Did Elvis have antitrypsin deficiency?

It was also discovered that he had an antitrypsin deficiency, which is a rare genetic condition that causes emphysema.

What was Elvis reading before he died?

As for what book Elvis was reading the moment that he died, it was A Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus by Frank O Adams.

What was found in Elvis autopsy?

As a result of his horrendous diet, he suffered from chronic constipation and a post mortem found he had compacted stool that was four months old sitting in his bowel. The singer was also on a cocktail of drugs and had been prescribed almost 9,000 pills, vials and injections in the seven months before his death.

What drugs were in Elvis system when he died?

When the toxicology report of the performer’s blood came back from analysis several weeks after his death, it reportedly contained high dosages of, among other things, the opiates Dilaudid, Percodan, and Demerol, as well as Quaaludes and codeine. Elvis, during a performance in 1974.

Does anyone live inside Graceland?

But the upstairs rooms at Graceland remain private. What many visitors don’t know is that after visiting hours are over, the Presley abode is still a home. “It shuts down quite nice at night,” explains Lisa Marie, who visits her hometown often. “I have family that I love very much who live there in Memphis,” she says.

What is on the second floor of Graceland?

Presley’s master suite on the second floor of Graceland was his most private refuge, where only his closest confidants were allowed to enter. It was there, in his bathroom, that Presley’s body was found on Aug. 16, 1977.

What was Elvis reading on the toilet?

He was going into his bathroom “to read” for a while. The book he took in with him, interestingly enough, was The Face Of Jesus, by Frank Adams. That’s the word from Presley’s longtime friend and personal physician, Dr. George Nichopoulos, who said The King’s insides were All Shook Up – and not in a good way.

Who died on the toilet eating a sandwich?

ELVIS PRESLEY DEAD – August 16, 1977, at age 42 years, in the bathroom at Graceland. The King of bacon, banana and peanut butter sandwiches, didn’t die of a heart condition. He succumbed, on the toilet, to chronic constipation.