What does anterior Clinoid process mean?
What does anterior Clinoid process mean?
Introduction. The anterior clinoid process (ACP) is a bony structure on the superolateral aspect of the sphenoid sinus lying between the internal carotid artery and the optic nerve.
What does Clinoid mean?
[ klī′noid′ ] n. Any of three pairs of bony projections, designated anterior, middle, and superior, from the sphenoid bone. GOOSES.
Where is the Clinoid located?
Background: The anterior clinoid process (ACP) is located close to the optic nerve, internal carotid artery, ophthalmic artery, and can be easily injured in an ACP-related surgery.
What is posterior Clinoid?
Description. The posterior boundary of the superior surface of sphenoid bone is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ; ending at its superior angles in two tubercles, the posterior clinoid processes, the size and form of which vary considerably in different individuals.
Why is it called clinoid process?
Clinoid likely comes from the Greek root klinein or the Latin clinare, both meaning “sloped” as in “inclined.”
What passes through anterior clinoid process?
A, The carotid artery enters the cranial cavity by passing along the medial side of the anterior clinoid process and below the optic nerve.
What is Clinoid meningioma?
Clinoidal meningiomas (CM) are benign tumors arising from the meningeal covering of the anterior clinoid process (ACP). These tumors have been referred to by various other terms, such as medial or inner sphenoid wing meningiomas.
Where is sphenoid bone?
The sphenoid is just one of the twenty-two bones that form the skull and essentially helps to connect the neurocranium to the facial skeleton. It is a single bone in the midline of the cranial cavity situated posterior to the frontal bone but anterior to the occipital.
What attaches to anterior and posterior clinoid process?
Petroclinoid ligament It extends between the posterior clinoid process and anterior clinoid process and the petrosal part of the temporal bone of the skull.
What is posterior Clinoid process?
The anterior, middle and the posterior clinoid processes are located in the middle cranial fossa of the skull. The posterior boundary of the pituitary fossa is formed by the dorsum sellae, the supero-lateral angles of which are raised to form the posterior clinoid process.
Is the posterior Clinoid process part of the sella turcica?
‘Sella turcica’ indicates the pituitary fossa on the upper surface of the sphenoid body, defined anteriorly by two anterior clinoid processes and posteriorly by two posterior clinoid processes, the former being parts of lesser wings of the sphenoid bone and the latter the posterior boundary of the sella turcica of the …
What does the clinoid process do?
Their function: The anterior petroclinoid ligament acts to laterally limit the superior wall of the cavernous sinus. The posterior petroclinoid ligament limits the posterior wall of the cavernous sinus. The angle between the two ligaments varies from 20 to 55 degrees.