What is normal anion gap metabolic acidosis?

The normal range is 10 to 14 mmol/l. Sometimes potassium is included in the calculation, in which case the normal range is 14 to 18 mmol/l. Most unmeasured anions arise from negative charges carried on plasma proteins, particularly albumin.

What is a normal anion gap level?

Normal results are 3 to 10 mEq/L, although the normal level may vary from lab to lab. If your results are higher, it may mean that you have metabolic acidosis.

Is an anion gap of 7 normal?

Normal anion gap readings range from 3–10 milliequivalents per liter. Readings outside this range may indicate a pH imbalance, and this can stem from a wide variety of health issues. Having an anion gap reading in the low range is very rare, and it may stem from a laboratory error.

What is a concerning anion gap?

The anion gap blood test shows whether your electrolytes are out of balance or if your blood is too acidic or not acidic enough. Too much acid in the blood is called acidosis. Too little acid in your blood is called alkalosis. Both conditions can be serious.

Is 14 a high anion gap?

An anion gap number between 3 and 10 is considered normal. But the “normal” range can vary from person to person, and it may also depend on the methods your lab used to do the test.

How do you interpret anion gap?

Cations are positive (base) and anions are negative (acid). The anion gap is the difference between the number of cations versus anions. An anion gap can be high, normal, or low (rare). A high anion gap indicates the presence of more anions than cations, or acidosis.

Is an anion gap of 14 high?

Although there are differences between laboratories and assays, the normal anion gap has traditionally been set between 8 mEq/L to 12 mEq/L. If the anion gap is greater than 12, this suggests an increased presence of unmeasured anions.

What does anion gap of 11 mean?

Is 6 a low anion gap?

What anion gap is too low?

Results: Based on current clinical data, an anion gap value of < 3 mEq/L should be considered low. A low anion gap is a useful diagnostic tool, but its clinical significance is often unrecognized.