How long does it take SOPHAS to receive transcript?
How long does it take SOPHAS to receive transcript?
On average, it takes up to five business days for your transcript to post to your application from the date we receive it.
How long does it take for SOPHAS to verify?
Some will view your application as soon as it is completed, others will refuse to view it until it is verified. Because the majority of applicants are submitting around the same time to make the priority deadline, it may take four to six weeks for SOPHAS to verify your app.
Do I need to send official transcript to SOPHAS?
Do I need to send transcripts? Yes, you must submit official transcripts to SOPHAS.
How long does it take SOPHAS to process?
Once SOPHAS has completed its verification, your application will be electronically submitted to those schools/programs which you have designated. During peak times it can take up to four weeks for your application to be verified and electronically submitted to your designated schools/programs.
Does Wes send transcripts to SOPHAS?
Once WES completes your evaluation, they will send it to SOPHAS electronically.
What is the difference between SOPHAS and SOPHAS Express?
SOPHAS Express is a companion application used by SOPHAS schools and programs of public health to exclusively offer non-degree and dual-degree programs.
How does SOPHAS letter of recommendation work?
The Recommendation Process Recommenders review your requests, and then accept, complete, or deny them. Recommenders may complete assessments such as writing essays, completing Likert scales, and/or uploading letters. Once your recommender completes your recommendation, you’ll be notified via email.
SOPHAS calculates all GPAs in semester hours. Courses that were completed in quarter hours are converted to semester hours. The conversion ratio is 1.0 quarter hour = 0.667 semester hours. SOPHAS breaks down your GPA by academic year, not by college or university.
Is WES necessary for SOPHAS?
SOPHAS only accepts electronic foreign evaluations from World Education Services (WES), Inc. Paper WES evaluations are not accepted.
How many letters of recommendation do you need for SOPHAS?
three letters of recommendation
Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation to SOPHAS. At least one recommender should be a former instructor. Applicants are encouraged to verify that all recommendations are submitted in a timely manner in order for the application to be considered complete by the application deadline.
Can letters of recommendation be sent after application SOPHAS?
You can also update recommendations with “new” or “in-progress” statuses and select additional programs to apply to. All other sections are read-only. You can submit your application before your transcripts and recommendations are received.
Why is SOPHAS GPA different?
SOPHAS will verify based on how grades for repeated courses are reported on the official transcripts. All grades earned for repeated courses are factored into your SOPHAS GPA. SOPHAS’s numeric grade values differ from an individual school’s. SOPHAS calculates all GPAs in semester hours.