Who said troll in the dungeon?

Professor Quirrel : [comes running to Dumbledore] TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!

What spell does Harry use on the troll in the dungeon to knock him out with his own club?

With Harry’s life in danger, Ron ingeniously thought of the first spell that came to his head, the Levitation Charm, which he had learnt earlier that day, and cast it to levitate the troll’s club. He then dropped the club on top of its head, knocking it out instantly and causing it to fall to the ground incapacitated.

Who let the mountain troll into the dungeons?

There was, of course, the giant 12-foot mountain troll let loose in the dungeon. Thanks to Harry and Ron, the big lad was knocked out by his own club before he could do too much damage, and later on, we found out that Quirrell, acting under Voldemort’s orders, let the troll in in the first place.

How did a troll get in the dungeon?

Quirrell brought a Troll into the castle to be his protection on the Philosopher’s Stone and he said he had a “special gift” with them. As u/beleuchtung points out, the protection on the Hogwarts boundaries isn’t very high at that time.

Who says this quote troll in the dungeons thought you ought to know?

“Troll — in the dungeons — thought you ought to know” might be one of the most quotable moments from the first story and was the catalyst for the golden trio. But what if Quirrell had never let the troll in?

Did JK Rowling steal the name Harry Potter from the movie troll?

The filmmakers behind the 1986 B-movie “Troll” say they used the name Harry Potter long before J.K. Rowling did. “I was ‘Harry Potter Jr.,'” said Noah Hathaway, who starred in the film as a young hero who saves his family from an evil troll.

Why did Quirrell jinx Harry’s broom?

History. This jinx was used by Quirinus Quirrell on Harry Potter’s Nimbus 2000 in 1991, during a Quidditch match. It was an attempt to murder Harry for Lord Voldemort. No one in the stands detected Quirrell of using this jinx, except Professor Severus Snape, who attempted to save Harry with a counter-curse.

Why was Snape bleeding?

Snape’s bleeding leg | Fandom. In the first movie the the scene of the troll you can see that snape has a bleeding leg, why? Snape was bitten by Fluffy the three headed dog. When Troll was released, he went to make sure that no one was after the stone as everyone was distracted by the troll.

How did Snape cut his leg?

What was Snape chanting?

In probably the most shocking twist of the series, Snape cast the unforgivable Avada Kedavra curse on Hogwarts’ beloved headmaster.