What are Marvel variant editions?

A variant cover (also referred to as a variant edition) refers to a comic book issue with multiple different covers produced. Sometimes these are just a different artists version of the cover or contain a different art style.

What are variant comic covers?

Cover variants are standard comics with unique covers drawn by various artists that publishers allow stores to order, depending on how many copies of the standard (version A) they order. The ratio could be anywhere from 1:25 to 1:100. Incentive Variants are actually designed to help comics shops.

How do you get variant cover comics?

Cover variants are found at your local comic shop and online retailers. Your LCS will give you the cheapest prices as you’ll have to pay shipping if you buy it anywhere online. Also, the key to getting the Cover Variant you want is by requesting it from your shop a month (or more) in advance.

How many Marvel hip hop covers are there?

So there will be about 55-60 covers. All-New Marvel Now! is a campaign where there are new #1s across the board – from Spider-Man to Squirrel Girl to stuff we haven’t announced yet, like Black Panther.

Why are variant covers more expensive?

Because some stores will order more books than they need in order to nab a few extra variants, it’s common to find chase variants sold for a lot more than their cover price so the store can recoup its losses.

When did variant covers come out?

The first comic book marketed with a variant cover was the 1986 first issue of The Man of Steel, which featured two different covers by writer/artist John Byrne.

How do you tell if a comic is a variant?

Regular comics always have a “1” assigned to them. Any other number tells you that your comic is a variant. The last digit in my barcode is “1” this tells us that this particular comic is a first print.

Do variant covers cost more?

Are Virgin comic covers worth more?

Virgin covers are usually priced higher if they’re a ratio that the retailers had to buy X (where X equals the ratio amount) amount to qualify. Now sometimes publishers will do a 1:10 but it’s open order once you qualify.

What comic book has the most variant covers?

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) No. 666 holds the record for the single issue with the most variants at 145 different covers.

Are variant comics worth money?

Well, it’s worth money. Generally, the sketch cover variants are much rarer and are usually much more valuable compared to the color variants. However, here’s a rare case with a less expensive sketch variant than the color version.

What was the first comic variant cover?

The Man of Steel