How can I check my Anna University time table?

Visit the official website –

  1. Anna University official page will open.
  2. Select University Exam.
  3. Click on Affiliated Institutions.
  4. The controller of the Exam page will appear.
  5. Click on Exam.
  6. Select the Exam Time Table.
  7. Click on the links to check the timetable.

Will Anna University postponed exams 2022?

Anna University Exams 2022 Postponed: As per the latest update, Anna University, Chennai has decided to postpone all upcoming UG and PG Exams until 5th March 2022. The decision to postpone Anna University Semester Exam 2022 due to local body elections in the state.

Is Anna University exam offline?

CHENNAI: Anna University has directed all colleges to hold November/December 2021 exams for postgraduate students (except integrated MBA) and PhD coursework, offline. The university announced that it would release the revised timetable for PG and PhD students shortly on the university’s website.

Is Anna University exams online or offline?

As per the latest notice, Anna University will be conducting the semester exams in the take-home mode and the duration of the examination is 3 hours only. The exam pattern for the UG, PG exams will be the same as the one that was followed before the COVID-19 pandemic (offline, pen and paper examination).

Is Anna University exam open book?

Anna University Open Book Exams 2021: Anna University is all set to commence its even semester exams in open-book format from today, i.e. June 21. Earlier, a large section of students had to undergo a lot of difficulties while undertaking online proctored exams for the odd semester.

Is Anna University exam postponed?

NEW DELHI: Anna University, Chennai has postponed the undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) semester examinations, scheduled on February 19, due to local body elections in Tamil Nadu. The university has also released the Anna University UG, PG exam revised timetable for November-December 2021 exams at

What is the arrear fee in Anna University?

Anna University Special Arrear Exam Fee Details: A Special fee of Rs. 5000/- is to be paid by the candidates who are registering now. In addition, the candidate shall pay the normal examination fee as prescribed by the University (for each Paper registered by him / her).

What is the pass mark in Anna university?

When a student gets 36 out of 80 marks in the external and 14 out of 20 marks in the internal then he/she is pass. If the grand total doesn’t exceed 50 then he/she is fail.