What do you say after duty first?

The 1st Infantry Division greeting is “Duty First, Sir or Ma’am.” The response from the officer will be “Victory” When approaching an NCO the appropriate greeting of the day will be rendered, “Good morning Sergeant” the response from the NCO will be the Unit Motto or “Duty First”.

What units are in the 1st Infantry Division?

Assigned units

  • Headquarters, 1st Division.
  • 1st Infantry Brigade. 16th Infantry Regiment.
  • 2nd Infantry Brigade. 26th Infantry Regiment.
  • 1st Field Artillery Brigade. 5th Field Artillery Regiment (155 mm)
  • 1st Machine Gun Battalion.
  • 1st Engineer Regiment.
  • 2nd Field Signal Battalion.
  • Headquarters Troop, 1st Division.

What is Fort Riley used for today?

From southwest Asia to the Caribbean and the Balkans, Fort Riley Soldiers are engaged in peacekeeping and nation-building missions. They continue to hone their skills by periodic deployments to the National Training Center located at Fort Irwin, California.

Do you salute officers when not in uniform?

Military personnel not in uniform will stand at attention, removing headgear, if any, and place the right hand over the heart. Vehicles in motion come to a halt. Soldiers riding in a passenger car or on a motorcycle dismount and salute.

What Army unit is the Big Red One?

The 1st Infantry Division
A. The 1st Infantry Division has two nicknames. It has been called the Fighting First, but the more common nickname is the Big Red One.

Is the 1st Infantry Division deployed?

The 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, based out of Fort Riley, Kan., is deployed in places such as Poland, Romania and Latvia on a mission to deter Russian aggression in the region. “We can confirm that 1ABCT, 1ID has been extended.

When was the last time Fort Riley deployed?

While construction at Fort Riley continued, the Big Red One also continued to serve afar. The division headquarters deployed to both Iraq (2010-2011) and Afghanistan (2012-2013) and deployed the majority of its brigades and battalions throughout the last decade.

Where is the Big Red 1 stationed?

Fort Riley, Kansas
The Big Red One is headquartered at Fort Riley, Kansas.