Can I block YouTube from my router?

Next, enter your admin username and password to access your router’s settings. Look for menu options containing keywords such as ‘URL Filters’, ‘blocked websites’ and more. Add ‘’ to your list of restricted addresses.

How do I block a download on my router?

Select ADVANCED > Security > Access Control. Select the Turn on Access Control check box. You must select this check box before you can specify an access rule and use the Allow and Block buttons. When this check box is cleared, all devices are allowed to connect, even if a device is in the blocked list.

How do I restrict YouTube on my wireless router?

To block YouTube web you can simply block from your Router’s Internet Access control. And if you want to block YouTube app then you can block some of the URLs like (or simply googlevideo ) and (or simply ytimg), these will block the Video from running and the images respectively.

How do I stop YouTube from downloading?

How to Download Blocked YouTube Videos with VPN

  1. Launch your VPN utility of choice or acquire VPN from one of our affiliate providers:
  2. Once your VPN is running, open the blocked YouTube video in your browser.
  3. Copy the link to the video.
  4. Launch 4K Video Downloader.
  5. Click Paste Link.
  6. Select format and quality.

How do I restrict YouTube?


  1. Log into your YouTube/Google account.
  2. Click on the “three-dot” icon for “Settings.”
  3. Select “Settings > General.”
  4. Turn “Restricted Mode” on.

How do I restrict downloads?

Scroll to Chrome Safe Browsing. For Download restrictions, choose an option: No special restrictions. Block all malicious downloads….Using Group Policy

  1. Go to Policies Administrative Templates Google. Google Chrome.
  2. Enable Allow Download Restrictions.
  3. Set an option:
  4. Deploy the policy to your users.

Can I block websites on my router?

Once you’re in your router settings page, look for a setting called Block Sites, Access Restrictions, or something similar. You might find it under Security, Parental Controls, or Advanced. Every router is different, so again consult your manual. Once you find the setting, enter the domains you want to block.

How do I block YouTube from certain devices?

Method 3: Use device settings to restrict access to YouTube

  1. Select General from the main menu.
  2. On the next screen, tap Restrictions.
  3. Enable restrictions if you haven’t already.
  4. Next, tap Websites.
  5. Select Limit Adult Content.
  6. Under the “Never Allow” heading, tap Add a Website.