What are the erosional features of Alpine glaciers?

Alpine Glacial Erosion Features. Alpine glaciers produce very different topography than continental glaciers. Alpine glaciers produce wide valleys with relatively flat bottoms and steep sides due to the erosion that occurs at the base and edges of the glaciers. These are known as U-shaped valleys (Figure 17.17).

Which are examples of erosional landforms produced by Alpine glaciers?

LANDFORMS MADE BY ALPINE GLACIERS Figure 17.7 shows how alpine glaciers erode mountain masses to create landforms such as aretes, horns, cols, moraines, tarns, hanging valleys, and glacial troughs.

What are 3 erosional features formed by glaciers?

Erosional landforms due to Glaciers

  • Cirque or Corris. They are deep, long and wide troughs or basins with very steep concave to vertically dropping high walls at its head as well as sides.
  • Hanging Valleys or U-shaped Valleys, Fjords/fiords.
  • Horns and Aretes.

What are the 3 landforms that can be created by an alpine glacier?

Examples of landforms by Alpine glaciers are arête, cirque, lateral moraines, hanging valley, terminal moraine, and fjords.

How do alpine glaciers accomplish erosion?

Glaciers cause erosion in two main ways: plucking and abrasion. Plucking is the process by which rocks and other sediments are picked up by a glacier. They freeze to the bottom of the glacier and are carried away by the flowing ice. Abrasion is the process in which a glacier scrapes underlying rock.

What are the four types of alpine glaciers?

Alpine glaciers

  • Truncated spur.
  • Arêtes.
  • Horn.
  • Hanging valley.
  • Glacier.

What do alpine glaciers create?

Alpine glaciers pluck and grind up rocks creating distinctive U-shaped valleys and sharp mountain peaks and ridges. A cirque is a bowl-shaped hollow found high up on the side of a mountain. that is left between two adjacent glaciers.

Which of the following glacial landforms are erosional glacial landforms?

U-shaped valleys, fjords, and hanging valleys are examples of the kinds of valleys glaciers can erode.

Which of the following erosional landforms does not result from glaciers?

The correct answer is option 3, i.e. Cirque.

What is an example of glacial erosion?

Glacial lakes are examples of ice erosion. They occur when a glacier carves its way into a place and then melts over time, filling up the space that it carved out with water. One such glacial lake is called Lake Louise and is located in Alberta, Canada.

What are alpine glaciers?

a glacier that is confined by surrounding mountain terrain; also called a mountain glacier. Muddy River Glacier carves its way through forested mountains near Frederick Sound in southeast Alaska. Typical of mountain glaciers, it is constrained on all sides by mountainous terrain.

Which of the following is formed by glacial erosion?

As the glaciers expand, due to their accumulating weight of snow and ice they crush and abrade and scour surfaces such as rocks and bedrock. The resulting erosional landforms include striations, cirques, glacial horns, arêtes, trim lines, U-shaped valleys, roches moutonnées, overdeepenings and hanging valleys.