What is Friar Lawrence Act 2 Scene 3 about?

Act 2, Scene 3 As Romeo approaches, Friar Lawrence delivers a speech about the power of herbs and plants to both heal and poison. Romeo enters halfway through, waits for the Friar to finish, and then asks for his help in marrying Romeo and Juliet.

What happened in Act 2 Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo arrives at Friar Laurence’s cell as day breaks. The Friar is collecting herbs and flowers while he postulates on their powers to medicate and to poison. Romeo tells him of his love for Juliet and asks the Friar to marry them later that day.

What happened in Act 2 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet?

Summary: Act 2, scene 5 At last, the Nurse returns, and Juliet anxiously presses her for news. The Nurse claims to be too tired, sore, and out of breath to tell Juliet what has happened. Juliet grows frantic, and eventually, the Nurse gives in and tells her that Romeo is waiting at Friar Lawrence’s cell to marry her.

What advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo in Act 2 Scene 3?

Friar Laurence, in spite of his reservations, admits that perhaps the marriage of Romeo and Juliet could serve “to turn [their] households’ rancor to pure love.” Romeo begs the friar to help him hastily marry Juliet—the friar says he’ll help the two young lovers but warns Romeo that those who run too fast always …

What happens in Act 2 Scene 3 of Julius Caesar?

Summary: Act II, scene iii Artemidorus comes onstage, reading to himself a letter that he has written Caesar, warning him to be wary of Brutus, Casca, and the other conspirators. He stands along the route that Caesar will take to the Senate, prepared to hand the letter to him as he passes.

What happens Act 2 Scene 4 Romeo and Juliet?

In Act 2, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, there is a fair amount of joking around among Benvolio, Mercutio, and Romeo, but the most important things that happen are that we learn that Tybalt is aggressively challenging the Montagues to a fight and Romeo and the nurse set up a plan for Romeo and Juliet to get married.

What happens in Act 3 Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

Summary: Act 3, scene 3 In Friar Lawrence’s cell, Romeo is overcome with grief and wonders what sentence the Prince has decreed. Friar Lawrence tells him he is lucky: the Prince has only banished him. Romeo claims that banishment is a penalty far worse than death, since he will have to live, but without Juliet.

What is Friar Lawrence’s advice to Romeo in Act 3 Scene 3?

The Friar advises Romeo to go to Juliet that night as he had planned, and then before daybreak, flee to Mantua. The Friar promises to find a way to announce Romeo and Juliet’s marriage publicly and thereby gain a pardon for Romeo to return safely.

What is Friar Laurence’s advice to Romeo?

 Friar Lawrence gives Romeo good advice: “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” Page 4 Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Summary Notes Mrs. Salona Page 4 of 5 Act 2, Scene 4  The morning after the Capulet party, Benvolio & Mercutio search for Romeo.  Mercutio blames Romeo’s absence on Rosaline.

Why is Act 2 Scene 3 included in the play why is it important?

This scene allows you to see another opinion of Caesar. Artemidorus is a Roman who loves Caesar and sees the conspirators as traitors. From this man’s viewpoint, the reader gets a hint of the greatness that was once Caesar. This scene also highlights the public nature of the conspiracy.