How do I access my Microsoft Xbox account?

Go to and try signing in with the email address you think is associated with your Xbox account. If you can sign in, the email address and password you entered are valid. The gamertag associated with this email address will be displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Is an Xbox account a Microsoft account?

You’ll need a Microsoft account to create an Xbox account. A Microsoft account is not the same thing as an Xbox account, although you can use the same email address for both.

What is the difference between Xbox account and Microsoft account?

A Microsoft Account comprises Xbox plus other Microsoft products – Windows, Office, Outlook, Skype and more. If you already have a Microsoft account that you use for logging into Windows or Skype, we recommend that you use the same account for Xbox that you use for everything else.

Is Xbox the same as Microsoft Store?

The Microsoft Store account provides access to owned games, subscription benefits, and other Xbox app purchases made by that account. The Xbox account is used for game streaming access, in-game purchases, achievements, and friends.

How do I find my Microsoft account?

Go to Microsoft account and select Sign in. Type the email, phone number, or Skype sign-in that you use for other services (Outlook, Office, etc.), then select Next. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you can select No account?

Do I need a Microsoft account?

A Microsoft account is required to install and activate Office versions 2013 or later, and Microsoft 365 for home products. You might already have a Microsoft account if you use a service like, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype; or if you purchased Office from the online Microsoft Store.

Can you play Xbox one without a Microsoft account?

You’ll need an account to play games and access other experiences on your Xbox console, Windows PC, and Xbox mobile apps. If you don’t already have an account, you can create one for free.

How do I create a Microsoft account for Xbox?

Here’s how:

  1. Press the Xbox button  to open the guide.
  2. Select Profile & System > Add or switch > Add new.
  3. Enter the email address for the Microsoft account that you want to add, and then select Enter.
  4. Enter the password for your Microsoft account that you want to add, and then select Enter.

What happens when I delete my Xbox account?

Closing a Microsoft account means you won’t be able to use it to sign in to the Microsoft products and services you’ve been using. It also deletes all the services associated with it, including your:, Hotmail, Live, and MSN email accounts.

How do you change accounts on Xbox?

Press the Xbox button  to open the guide. Select Profile & system, and then select Add or switch. Choose the profile that you want to switch to. Enter the password to sign in to the Microsoft account for the new profile.