How do I change directory with spaces in Linux?

To cd to a directory with spaces in the name, in Bash, you need to add a backslash ( \ ) before the space. In other words, you need to escape the space.

How do I change the size of a directory in Linux?

2 Answers

  1. create the mount point.
  2. create a file full of /dev/zero, large enough to the maximum size you want to reserve for the virtual filesystem.
  3. format this file with an ext3 filesystem (you can format a disk space even if it is not a block device, but double check the syntax of every – dangerous – formatting command)

How do I allocate more space to a folder?

Step 1: Open Disk Management by right-clicking on Windows icon and select “Disk Management”. Step 2: Right-click on the partition that you want to extend and select “Extend Volume”. Step 3: Click “Next” to continue, adjust the size of unallocated space to add to the selected partition.

How do you change folders in Linux?

To navigate up one directory level, use “cd ..” To navigate to the previous directory (or back), use “cd -” To navigate through multiple levels of directory at once, specify the full directory path that you want to go to. For example, use, “cd /var/www” to go directly to the /www subdirectory of /var/.

How do I change directory with spaces in command prompt?

In the Command Prompt, the caret character ( ^ ) will let you escape spaces—in theory. Just add it before each space in the file name. (You’ll find this character in the number row on your keyboard.

How do you name a directory with spaces in Linux?

The Linux terminal treated files and folders differently that have spaces in their names. So this article solved the problem. If we want to name a file or directory with spaces we can do it by using apostrophes ( ‘ ‘ ) , quotation marks (“ ”) or escape sequence ( \ ).

How increase space in Linux?


  1. Run the fdisk -u command to open the partition table for the disk in sector mode.
  2. Type p at the prompt to list the partitions on the disk.
  3. Type d to delete this partition.
  4. Type n to re-create the partition.
  5. Type p to select the primary partition type.
  6. Type 1 to select partition number 1.

How do I get more storage on Linux?

Often you may need to free up disk space on your Linux system to make your programs and processes run faster, and avoid problems of running out of disk space….How to Clean Up Disk Space in Linux

  1. Delete Big files.
  2. Remove unnecessary packages.
  3. Remove unnecessary applications.
  4. Clean up apt-cache in Ubuntu.
  5. Clean up System Logs.

What is the CD command in Linux?

The Linux cd command offers several ways to navigate and change the working directory using the terminal window. It lets you change directories using relative and absolute paths, move to parent or root directories, or find directories with incomplete names. Note: The cd command is a built-in shell command.