What does BCAP stand for counselling?

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK.

What are ethical codes in counselling?

The Code serves as an ethical guide designed to assist members in constructing a course of action that best serves those utilizing counseling services and establishes expectations of conduct with a primary emphasis on the role of the professional counselor.

What are the six ethical principles of counseling?

Examine the dilemma’s implications for each of the foundational principles: autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fidelity.

How does an ethical framework apply to counselling skills?

An ethical framework informs professional counselling practice by creating a shared structure within which all counsellors work but with the flexibility to respond to the needs of different contexts and client groups.


News from BACP. We’re delighted to announce that the BACP Register has been re-accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) for yet another year. The PSA accredits registers of practitioners working in a variety of health and social care occupations not regulated by law.

How many hours is BACP accreditation?

450 hours
You must have completed and graduated from a BACP accredited course, or professional counselling or psychotherapy training that: included at least 450 hours of tutor contact hours, over two years (part-time) or one year (full-time) included a supervised placement as an integral part of the training.

What are the 10 principles of counselling?

Basic principles are: . Principle of acceptance, Principle of communication, Principle of non judgmental attitude, Principle of empathy, Principle of confidentiality, Principle of individuality, Principle of non-emotional involvement, and Principle of purposeful expression of feelings. 10.

What are the core values of counseling?

All counselors are expected to embrace these and similar set of core values as essential and integral to their work. These values are: Respect for human dignity. This means that the counselor must provide a client unconditional positive regard, compassion, non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and trust.