Can I buy a space rock?

It is illegal for private citizens to own or buy any authentic Moon Rocks or related material. Lunar samples obtained on Earth through findings of crashed lunar meteorites are legal. However, as with all valuable and sought-after items, they are auctioned and sold illegally.

Are rocks from space valuable?

Meteorites have significant financial value to collectors and scientific value to researchers. Meteorite values can range from a few dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How do you buy an asteroid?

Legally, nobody can own an asteroid, but the US Space Act of 2015 allows companies to own the materials they mine from bodies in space.

How much does space rocks cost?

A prime specimen will easily fetch $50/gram while rare examples of lunar and Martian meteorites may sell for $1,000/gram or more — almost forty times the current price of gold!

Why is it illegal to own moon rocks?

Possessing and selling moon rocks is illegal in most circumstances, as lunar material is the property of the U.S. government. A NASA agent arraigned a sting, agreeing to buy the items from Davis, which Davis had said she wanted to do legally.

How much is moon rock worth?

NASA assessed the value of the rocks at around $50,800 per gram in 1973 dollars, based on the total cost of retrieving the samples. That works to just a hair over $300,000 a gram in today’s currency.

How much do asteroids cost?

The asteroid’s metal is worth an estimated $10,000 quadrillion, more than the entire economy of Earth. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers were able to analyze the asteroid in greater detail than ever before.

How expensive is moon rock?

Is it safe to touch a meteorite?

Try not to handle any freshly fallen meteorites with your bare hands! Oils and microbes from your skin will slowly degrade the surface of a meteorite, dulling the fusion crust, contaminating the meteorite, and promoting rust.

How much is Moonrocks worth?