What motorcycle gangs were in Waco?

The shooting outside a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco on May 17, 2015, involved rival biker gangs, the Bandidos and Cossacks, and occurred as bikers from various groups were gathering to talk over matters of concern.

What happened at Twin Peaks?

Five years ago Sunday nine died and 18 were injured after a shootout erupted between rival motorcycle groups at Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco. The shootout was the deadliest and most high-profile event in the Waco area since the Waco siege of the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.

What biker gangs are in Texas?

The Bandidos Motorcycle Club, also known as the Bandido Nation, is an outlaw motorcycle club with a worldwide membership….Bandidos Motorcycle Club.

Abbreviation BMC, Bandido Nation
Founded at San Leon, Texas, United States
Type Outlaw motorcycle club
Headquarters Houston, Texas, United States
Region Worldwide (303 chapters in 22 countries)

What gangs are in Waco Texas?

Eight Tier 2 gangs are believed to be operating in Waco: Latin Kings, Bloods, Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, Crips, Bandidos, Sureño 13, Aryan Circle and Texas Syndicate. Tier 3 gangs operating in Waco include Gangster Disciples and Raza Unida, Holt said.

What is Texas bottom rocker?

And at the top, above the backpatch, is the name of the gang—and at the bottom is the state you’re claiming territory to. So the Bandidos have state claim to Texas. And they don’t allow any other motorcycle gang to be in that state and wear a Texas bottom rocker.

Are there Hells Angels in Texas?

The Hells Angels motorcycle gang is primarily centered in California, and are very rarely in the State of Texas.

How many bikers were killed in Waco?

nine men
An entire wall of her home office in Norman, Okla., is covered with wallet-size mug shots of the nearly 200 bikers arrested, as well as photographs of the nine men who died that day, seven years ago, after a violent brawl in a Waco parking lot.