What is the climate today in Aurangabad?

Today’s temperature in Aurangabad is 28°c.

Does Aurangabad have snow?

When can you find snow in Aurangabad? Weather stations report no annual snow.

What is the minimum temperature in Aurangabad?

Weather by month // weather averages Aurangabad

January March
Min. Temperature °C (°F) 14.5 °C (58) °F 19.7 °C (67.5) °F
Max. Temperature °C (°F) 27.6 °C (81.7) °F 34.1 °C (93.3) °F
Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in) 3 (0) 5 (0)
Humidity(%) 45% 28%

What was the temperature in Aurangabad yesterday?

Aurangabad Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours

Conditions Comfort
Time Temp Wind
6:00 pm 88 °F 13 mph
5:30 pm 88 °F 14 mph
4:30 pm 90 °F 12 mph

Is Aurangabad a good place to live?

While the EOL index that evaluates ease of living in Indian cities on the basis of the provision of education, health, housing and shelter, safety and security, economic development and other urban amenities, Aurangabad scored 52.90 points, which are better than the average city score of 51.38.

What is a atmosphere in Aurangabad?

In Aurangabad, the wet season is oppressive and overcast, the dry season is mostly clear, and it is hot year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 56°F to 102°F and is rarely below 49°F or above 106°F.

What is the best time to visit Aurangabad?

The best time to visit Aurangabad is between October to March as during this time the city remains pleasant and green. Monsoon is also a nice time to visit the city of Aurangabad as the temperature remains nearly 35°C during this time. The monsoon rains generally start in July and last till the end of September.

Is Aurangabad costly city?

You would need around 84,064.89₹ in Aurangabad to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 110,000.00₹ in Pune (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax).

Is Aurangabad good for live?