How do you achieve academic excellence?


  1. Know yourself.
  2. Establish a good habit of study.
  3. Utilize the libraries and research.
  4. Study in a conducive reading environment.
  5. Managing time.
  6. Set and work towards realistic goals.
  7. Engage in extra-curricular activities.
  8. Adequate examination preparation.

What does it mean to achieve academic excellence?

Academic excellence is the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, and/or excel in scholastic activities.

What are the benefits of achieving academic excellence?

Academically successful adolescents have higher self-esteem, have lower levels of depression and anxiety, are socially inclined, and are less likely to abuse alcohol and engage in substance abuse. Positive self-esteem and self-confidence are critical factors in commitment to academic success.

What is an example of academic excellence?

What is academic excellence? Academic excellence is the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, and/or excel in scholastic activities. Academic excellence has been identified with achieving high grades and superior performance.

What are keys of academic excellence?

Motivation is the energy to study, achieve, and maintain a positive attitude and behaviors over time. Highly motivated students view their effort and ability as the most important factors of success. Remind yourself that your success today will help you to be more successful tomorrow.

How did you show excellence as a student?

Striving for excellence is trying to do your best. In your role as a student, it is important that you do your best and produce excellent work. This will increase your confidence and esteem, as well as result in praise, good grades, and other benefits.

How do you show excellence as a student?

To demonstrate excellence, you need to be specific about what you are aiming for in a practical and tangible sense. In schools, we can define excellence against a set of values and outcomes that students strive to achieve. These are constructs that make the research results meaningful.

What helped you the most in achieving academic success?

8 Steps to Academic Success

  1. Step 1: Set Goals. Goals help to keep you going by:
  2. Step 2: Have a Positive Attitude.
  3. Step 3: Manage Your Time.
  4. Step 4: Read Textbooks & Course Readings.
  5. Step 5: Attend your Lectures.
  6. Step 6: Record your Lecture Notes.
  7. Step 7: Prepare for Exams.
  8. Step 8: Write Your Exams.

How can I achieve my academic goals?

5 Steps To Academic Success

  1. Set SMART Goals and Plan for Short and Long Term Goals. Plan for your future!
  2. Understand and Use Resources.
  3. Make Good Choices.
  4. Earn Good Grades and Understand Your Transcript.
  5. Understand and Develop Effective Communication Skills.

How is excellence achieved?

Following these key principles of personal excellence will go a long way in bringing you to excellence:

  1. Have the hunger for excellence.
  2. Benchmark against the best.
  3. Believe that you can do it.
  4. Build concrete strategy & plans.
  5. Learn from the best.
  6. Do not limit yourself.
  7. Go all out; Work really hard.
  8. Focus your efforts.

What does achieved with excellence mean?

Achieved, Merit and Excellence credits Say your child sat an exam, and passed with E (Excellence). This means that they will receive 4 Excellence credits for that external, which go towards their credit total.