What does righteous name mean?

1 : acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin. 2a : morally right or justifiable a righteous decision. b : arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality righteous indignation.

Is righteous a name?

The name Righteous is boy’s name . A self-assured virtue name that has seen a little more use in recent years.

What is a pure name?

pure name (plural pure names) (computer science) A name that reveals no usable information about the entity it identifies. A MAC address can be considered a pure name, as it gives no indication of where on a network the device can be found.

What name is gift from God?

Matthew – English, meaning “gift of God.”

What name means honesty?

213 Baby Names Meaning Honest

Alethea Truthful One, Honest Greek
Aletheia Honesty,
Aletia Honest, candid, sincere Spanish
Alicah Noble; Kind, Honest

What are innocent names?

65 Baby Girl Names That Mean Innocent

Cynwise An innocent, well spoken person English
Darlina A sweet, innocent child French
Deonisia An innocent and charming being Latin
Ecaterina An affectionate, innocent and pure chaste being Roman

What name means promise of God?

Isabel originates in Latin language and means “promise of God”. Ultimately, it is derived from Elizabeth, originating in Hebrew.

What name is truth?

According to a user from Canada, the name Truth means “Loving, and truthful”. A user from North Carolina, U.S. says the name Truth means “Being true”. According to a user from Oregon, U.S., the name Truth means “Honest”.

What name stands for truth?

308 Baby Names That Mean Truth

Alethea Truthful One, Honest Greek
Alethia Truthful, Truthfulness
Alette Verity, truth, reality, actuality
Alice Truth, gracious, reality English,French,German,Greek,Italian,Medieval English,Portuguese,Swedish