Can a sword be made from obsidian?

Natural obsidian is a pretty terrible substance to make a durable weapon with, but there are other “obsidian like” materials that could work. “Obsidian like” being glass with impurities…

Is there a obsidian sword in Minecraft?

Obsidian Swords are the first kind of sword you get with the mod after diamond. Obsidian swords are crafted with a stick at the bottom of the crafting table and 2 obsidian ingots above the stick.

How strong is a obsidian sword?

At Heavy Melee level 1, the obsidian greatsword deals a base damage of 24 HP every 0.6 seconds. It has the ability to damage multiple mobs in one swing. There’s also a small chance of landing a critical hit when using this weapon, meaning the attack will deal 50% more damage.

What is an obsidian sword?

The Obsidian sword was a weapon crafted by the Mustafarians from Mustafar’s sharpest obsidian, and were similar to the Obsidian lance. These swords were the favored weapons of their creators, who would specially carve the hilt of the blades. This meant that no blade was similar and made each sword unique.

Is obsidian stronger than steel?

Since obsidian will fracture down to a single atom, it is claimed to have a cutting edge five hundred times sharper than the sharpest steel blade, and under a high magnification microscope an obsidian blade still appears smooth, whereas a steel blade has a saw like edge.

Can you use obsidian as a weapon?

Obsidian is capable of producing an edge sharper than high quality steel razor blades. The macuahuitl was a standard close combat weapon. Use of the macuahuitl as a weapon is attested from the first millennium CE.

How do you make an obsidian sword?

To craft one Obsidian Sword, you’ll need:

  1. 3 Obsidian (bars) made in a Forge from Obsidian Ore.
  2. 2 Stone Rods made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor.
  3. 4 Miru Eyes obtained from Mirus that spawn on Bedrock in shallow Caves in the Fossil layer, and also on Siltstone in the Stalactite layer underground.
  4. 4 Bones.

Is Obsidian sword good?

While the Obsidian Greatsword has no scaling, it has great base damage and good weight for a greatsword. Its low requirements make it a good greatsword for players who do not want to invest in either strength nor Dexterity.

Are obsidian blades good?

Obsidian – a type of volcanic glass – can produce cutting edges many times finer than even the best steel scalpels. At 30 angstroms – a unit of measurement equal to one hundred millionth of a centimeter – an obsidian scalpel can rival diamond in the fineness of its edge.