What qualifications do I need to be a rugby referee?

Have refereed for a minimum of 3 years.

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Hold World Rugby Level 2 Officiating or equivalent.
  • Complete self tests at www.worldrugby.org/rugbyready, www.worldrugby.org/laws and www.worldrugby.org/sandc.
  • Complete a season and training diary and PDP.
  • How do you become a rugby referee in Australia?

    Level 1 Accreditation Tailored course provides training for refereeing ages U13 to adult rugby. The course includes attending a Foundation Course, completing a Level 1 Referee Law Exam and passing a Level 1 Referee Competency Assessment. Once completed, referees must join a local Referee Association.

    Who is the best rugby referee ever?

    Here are the best rugby referees in history (according to us).

    • Wayne Barnes (England)
    • Jonathan Kaplan (South Africa)
    • Paddy O’Brien (New Zealand)
    • Stephen Hilditch (Ireland)

    How much do rugby refs earn?

    Lower level match fees are around $200. In New York, referees in the amateur league get $100 while their assistants receive $50 per match. In Ireland, referees get travel expenses for amateur club matches.

    Who should be present at pre match meeting?

    To be present: Match Commissioner. Match Commissioner’s Assistant(s) Venue Manager. Venue Security Manager.

    How much is a rugby referee paid?

    What age can I become a referee?

    14 years old
    14 years old is the minimum age you must be to qualify as a referee.

    How much do top rugby refs get paid?

    A World Cup bonus takes top referees to €94,000 in a year.

    Salary Match Fees
    Euros 52,000 550
    Sterling 44,200 470
    Dollars 60,200 640

    What age do rugby referees retire?

    There is no mandatory retirement age for referees in Rugby Union. The average age of retirement for elite professional referees is about 45 years. The mandatory fitness tests for referees at top amateur and professional levels tend to enforce retirement by early 50s.