What does RSO mean?
What does RSO mean?
Rick Simpson Oil
Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a full extract cannabis oil meant to be taken orally or applied topically. RSO is a marijuana extract made utilizing a solvent to extract cannabinoids. The most common solvent used to produce RSO is grain alcohol, but some other solvents like ethanol or butane are sometimes used.
What is full spectrum RSO?
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a full spectrum extract of cannabis oil is. It is a highly concentrated cannabis oil that contains all compounds from the cannabis plant in the extraction. It is also commonly known as Rick Simpson Oil, named after Rick Simpson who developed the product that helped cure his skin cancer.
What does RSO mean in college?
RSO. Resident Student Organization. Resident, Organization, Campus.
What is the difference between RSO and full spectrum?
The main difference between FECO and RSO ultimately boils down to the solvent used when the cannabis is processed during the extraction process. Other than the choice of solvents used, the full extraction of cannabinoids for both RSO and FECO is roughly the same.
Is RSO the same as full spectrum?
RSO is considered a full-spectrum oil because it maintains all elements of the cannabis plant, such as cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. Many are drawn to full-spectrum oils for the perceived entourage effect, in which the different elements found within the oil work together to boost each other’s effects.
The biggest risk associated with RSO is that there isn’t much evidence that it effectively treats cancer. This becomes very dangerous if someone stops following their doctor’s recommended cancer treatment.
Can you vape RSO?
Because RSO is a sticky, gooey black oil that is almost tar-like in consistency, it can be applied topically, introduced sublingually and ingested orally. It is packaged in syringes for storage and easier use: It can be introduced into a cartridge and vaped, using a 510 threaded battery vaporizer.
What is stronger RSO or distillate?
Distillate syringes work in essentially the same manner and make it easy to add oil to your flower or food. When it comes to strength, RSO oil is often considered stronger because it involves all the different elements of the cannabis plant working together.
What is the strongest RSO?
Strawberry Banana has made the High Times’ strongest strains on earth list three years in a row with THC levels reaching as high as 31 percent. The strain won multiple first-place awards in the concentrate category of the 2016 SoCal Cannabis Cup.