How do I create an FTP account on ionos?

This opens in a new window.

  1. Log in to IONOS and select Hosting.
  2. Click Manage under SFTP & SSH.
  3. Click Create User. If this option does not appear, you have already set up all the users included in your package.
  4. Enter the desired user name and set a secure password.
  5. Click on Save.

Does ionos have FTP?

For IONOS Web Hosting packages with webspace In web hosting, FTP is used for uploading or downloading files to your web space. This means that you can transfer the files required for your website, such as HTML files and photos, to the web space using an FTP program.

How do I access ionos FTP?

Log in to IONOS and select Hosting. Click Manage under SFTP & SSH. Click on the user name of the FTP account to be used. The Settings & Connections data page will open.

How do I upload files to ionos?

Follow the steps below to upload files to your your webspace using WebspaceExplorer.

  1. First, click on the folder you will be uploading to.
  2. Click on Upload.
  3. Select the file(s) to be transferred.
  4. Click on Upload.

How do I access cPanel on ionos?

Go to Servers & Cloud -> Infrastructure -> Servers and select the server you want to access. Then, go to either the Plesk or cPanel section, there you’ll find user, password and host for your server.

How do I download from ionos?

If you created your website with our Website Builder or IONOS Website Creator, you can export your data with sFTP using the following steps:

  1. Look up your sFTP connection details (FTP user name and password).
  2. Install an FTP program.
  3. Enter your connection data in the FTP program and connect.
  4. Download the files.

How do I create a FTP link in FileZilla?

To create a connection in FileZilla you will need to use the site manager.

  1. Click file and open the site manager.
  2. Click the new site button.
  3. Enter a name for the new site.
  4. Enter the following settings.
  5. Click the transfer settings tab.
  6. Click the connect button.
  7. You will be prompted for your password; enter it, and click OK.

How do I find my FTP server IP address?

Run netstat -abno (or netstat -antp, in *nix systems) and check the source IP address listening on port 21 (if your server uses the standard FTP port), or on a nonstandard port the FTP server is configured to run on (I often see ports like 22100 used for this purpose, for example).

How do I access cPanel on IONOS?

How do I download from IONOS?

Does IONOS use cPanel?

IONOS doesn’t use the classical cPanel, instead, they have developed their own custom backend. For those who are used to the cPanel, it may be confusing and take some time to get used to in the beginning, but overall, it’s rather easy to use.