How long does it take EVOD to charge?

3-4 hours
It takes 3-4 hours to charge an EVOD battery completely. Batteries can be charged by it are, 650, 1000 & 1500 mah EVOD batteries.

How do I open my EVOD vape pen?

The first thing you will need to do is charge up your EVOD vape pen. Simply unscrew the battery portion (the part with the button on it) from the wide metal ring that attaches it to the clearomizer tank. You should see a round area where the battery connects to the charger, with threading to screw the charger on.

Why is my EVOD pen not working?

Make sure it is turned on: If you are having issues charging your ego or evod battery, the first thing you want to do is make sure it is turned on. To do this press the power button 5 times in a row. You will want to press the button 5 times rapidly, in a rhythmic flow.

Why is my Kangertech EVOD blinking?

When the Kanger Evod battery power is low, the LED will flash approximately 15 times when the button is pressed to indicate that the battery needs to be charged. The Kanger Evod battery can be charged by removing the attached clearomiser/atomiser, which then exposes the thread on the end of the battery.

How long does a EVOD battery last?

about 6-12 months
Maintenance and cleaning will extend the life of your EVOD battery and tank by a great deal. As long as you stick to these tips & tricks and keep up with maintenance and cleaning, your battery should last you roughly 300 charge cycles and your tank should last you about 6-12 months.

How do you know if your pen is fully charged?

Plug your charger into a USB compatible charging block such as a computer, phone charger, or other device. When your pen is completely charged the light on the charger will turn green.

How long do EVOD batteries last?

How do I preheat my EVOD pen?

The EVOD Vaporizer is turned on or off but pressing the silver button located on the battery 5 consecutive times. You then hold the silver button again to start the vaporization process.