What is the average size of a Lurcher?

The average weight of the Lurcher breed varies depending on breeding, but it generally weighs between 60 and 70 pounds on average. The average height of this breed is between 22 and 28 inches.

Is a Lurcher bigger than a Greyhound?

Greyhounds are large bodied, but lurchers are either large or small. Despite the fact that lurcher has a greyhound parent, the temperaments and other characteristics can be highly variable between the two dogs.

Are Lurchers nasty?

Lurcher Temperament The Lurcher tends to retain the gentle, good-natured quality that you will find in most sighthound breeds, but are also typically fun-loving canines with a great deal of affection for their family.

Do Lurchers bark?

Lurchers hardly ever bark excessively, and due to their naturally laid-back dispositions they’re simply uninterested in barking unless for a good reason. This reinforces their quiet and sweet-natured personalities and helps to make them the ideal family pet.

What problems do Lurchers have?

The main health concerns for Lurchers are gastric torsion, torn toenails, foot or muscle injuries, and heatstroke or heat exhaustion. They may also be prone to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Lurchers with herding breeds in their ancestry may be prone to eye problems. Hypothyroidism is common in many dog breeds.

Do Lurchers like swimming?

The lurcher is not a marine animal. It rarely dives into the sea for herring, or migrates across leagues of trackless ocean. It does, however, like a paddle now and then – and may, very occasionally, go full swim.

Do Lurchers need jackets?

Also remember that lurchers are a Funny Shape, as someone put it. Standard dog coats will not fit, being either too tight over that deep chest or too loose around that narrow tummy. And lurchers who do zoomies require well-fastened coats, or you will find the two parting company in seconds.