What are the differences between Augustinian theodicy and Irenaean theodicy?
What are the differences between Augustinian theodicy and Irenaean theodicy?
Hick distinguished between the Augustinian theodicy, which attempts to clear God of all responsibility for evil, based on human free will, and the Irenaean theodicy, which casts God as responsible for evil but justified because of its benefits for human development.
Why does John Hick prefer the Irenaean theodicy?
During this stage Hick also developed his Irenaean “soul-making” theodicy in which he argued that God allows evil and suffering in the world in order to develop humans into virtuous creatures capable of following his will.
What is St Augustine’s theodicy?
Augustine’s soul-deciding theodicy God foretold that this fall would happen and therefore sent his son, Jesus Christ, so that humanity may be reconciled with God. Augustine’s theodicy bases the origin of evil and suffering on humanity and takes that responsibility away from God.
What is Irenaean type theodicy?
The Irenaean theodicy is a Christian theodicy (a response to the problem of evil). It defends the probability of an omnipotent and omnibenevolent (all-powerful and perfectly loving) God in the face of evidence of evil in the world.
What is mediated awareness according to Hick?
FAITH AS MEDIATED AWARENESS. According to Hick, the ordinary religious believer does not report a. faith which is assent made through an act of will to certain. theological propositions, as the propositional view asserts.
Who made the Irenaean theodicy?
Irenaeus. According to its proponents, Second-century philosopher Irenaeus developed a theodicy based on the idea that the creation of humans is still in progress. He proposed that creation consists of two distinct parts: first in the image of God, then in the likeness of God.
Does Augustine believe in free will?
God created the free will, and the free will to Adam and Eve and later every one, every one has a natural freedom will. Augustine thought that it was a kind of ability to exist in our soul, it is a kind of ability of reason and freedom.
WHAT DO open theists believe?
Open Theism is the thesis that, because God loves us and desires that we freely choose to reciprocate His love, He has made His knowledge of, and plans for, the future conditional upon our actions. Though omniscient, God does not know what we will freely do in the future.
Is Hick a realist?
Critical realism, true myth, and the criterion of authenticity. Because Hick supposes that Ultimate Reality or the Real is manifested in diverse ways on this side of experience, he has a realist’s attitude toward religious experience.