How do I copy DataTable from one DataSet to another?

Copying Tables from One DataSet to Another

  1. Use the Copy( ) method of the DataTable when all of the data for a table needs to be copied .
  2. Use the Clone( ) method of the DataTable to create the schema for each table in the destination DataSet when only a subset of the data needs to be copied.

How do you assign a DataSet to a DataTable?

You can just use: DataTable firstTable = dataSet. Tables[0];

What is DataSet and DataTable in Ado net?

A DataSet is made up of a collection of tables, relationships, and constraints. In ADO.NET, DataTable objects are used to represent the tables in a DataSet. A DataTable represents one table of in-memory relational data; the data is local to the .

How do I transfer data from one DataTable to another in C#?

Copying Data from one DataTable to Another using ImportRow

  1. For Each dr As DataRow In sourceTable. Rows.
  2. r = destinationTable. NewRow.
  3. r(“Name”) = dr(“Name”)
  4. r(“City”) = dr(“City”)
  5. r(“Cost”) = dr(“Cost”)
  6. destinationTable. Rows. Add(r)
  7. Next.

How do I transfer data from one DataSet to another in mainframe?

To copy one data set to another, select the MOVE/COPY option (option 3). On the next panel, the Move/Copy Utility panel, specify the name of the data set from which you want to copy. For information about specifying data set names, refer to Specifying a Data Set Name.

What is difference between DataTable and DataSet?

DataTable represents a single table in the database. It has rows and columns. There is no much difference between dataset and datatable, dataset is simply the collection of datatables.

How do I remove a table from a DataSet?

To delete all tables of a DataSet object, you can call the DataTableCollection. Clear() method. Its syntax is: public void Clear();

What is DataTable clone?

Clone creates a new DataTable with the same structure as the original DataTable, but does not copy any data (the new DataTable will not contain any DataRows ). To copy both the structure and data into a new DataTable, use Copy.

How do I copy a database from one database to another in C#?

Method 1. If we want to copy objects, indexes, triggers or constraints then we need to generate Scripts (third method) that we will talk about later in this article. If we want to copy a table in the same database then we need to first use our database then execute this query: select * into newtable from SourceTable.

How do I copy data from one dataset to another in JCL?

To copy one data set to another, select the MOVE/COPY option (option 3). On the next panel, the Move/Copy Utility panel, specify the name of the data set from which you want to copy.

How do I copy data from one file to another in JCL?

The JCL for a copy application is the same as for a sort, except that you do not need dynamic allocation of work data sets or SORTWKdd DD statements. You can use SORT FIELDS=COPY or MERGE FIELDS=COPY instead of OPTION COPY to produce the same results.