What is the best armor for warrior in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

The Refined Battlemaster Mail is the best armor for tank warriors, thanks to 3 defense slots totaling 16 materials, as well as 2 upgrade slots for an additional 24 materials. The Superior Battlemaster Mail and Coat are slightly behind the refined, losing only 2 crafting materials (total of 16 versus 14).

Where is the best armor in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Armor – Dragon Age Inquisition Best Armor To actually find the armor, visit the Hissing Wastes Merchant by heading due east from the central camp in the Hissing Wastes, then dropping down into the canyon. Superior Battlemage Armor will be randomly available as long as you have the perk.

Where can I find superior battlemaster armor?


  • Merchant (Hissing Wastes)
  • Superior Battlemage Armor Schematic.
  • Superior Prowler Armor Schematic.
  • Battlemaster Armor Schematic.
  • Plate Mail of the Dragon Hunter Schematic.
  • Legion of the Dead Armor Schematic.
  • Battlemaster Armor Arms Schematic.
  • Hissing Wastes.

What’s the best staff in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Dragon Age: Inquisition Best Mage Weapons For mages, the Encore Schematic Staff is the best weapon, because in addition to decent stats and upgrade slots, it has a chance to cast one of 3 unique buffs for your entire party: Battle of the Bands, Mark of the Riff, and Sing-Along.

What is the best warrior specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Reaver is a heavy DPS and AOE warrior, with a balance of sacrificing their health to deal more damage. This is the best warrior specialization as it offers an incredible amount of damage and can heal itself.

How do you get superior Prowler armor schematics?


  1. Rare random loot from tier 3 chests.
  2. Randomly available at Canyon Merchant in the Hissing Wastes for 15995 . Note: Requires The Short List Inquisition perk.