How many blocks are there in Kaimur district?
How many blocks are there in Kaimur district?
11 blocks
There are two sub-divisions in Kaimur District subdivided into 11 blocks.
Who is the MLA of Kaimur?
Bhabua Assembly constituency
205 Bhabua | |
Constituency details | |
Current MLA | Rinky Rani Pan dey (W/O Late Anand Bhushan Pandey) (2015-Incumbent) |
Party | BJP |
Elected year | 1957 |
How many Tehsil are there in Kaimur district?
There are 11 subdivisions in Kaimur district. Here is the list of all Kaimur Subdivisions / Blocks / C.D. Blocks along with area & population information….Households in Kaimur.
Total Population | Villages in Kaimur District |
1000 – 1999 | 284 |
2000 – 4999 | 208 |
5000 – 9999 | 20 |
10000 and above | 4 |
How many villages are there in Kaimur district?
1699 villages
The district has a total of 1699 villages. The district also has 120 post offices and 151 panchayat, and is well connected with NH-2(Grand trunk road).
How many blocks are there in Bihar?
534 CD Block
Blocks. The Indian state of Bihar is divided into 534 CD Block called blocks.
What is the population of Kaimur?
116,286 people works in agricultural land as labor, men are 91,300 and 24,986 are women. Kaimur sex ratio is 920 females per 1000 of males. Next Kaimur Census will be in 2022-2023….Kaimur Blocks Population.
Blocks | Ramgarh |
Population 2011 | 132,663 |
Male | 68,779 |
Female | 63,884 |
Households | 19,720 |
Who is the MP of kaimur district?
Mahabali Singh Kushwaha (born 20 April 1955, Bhabua Kaimur district Bihar) is an Indian politician.
Is kaimur a district?
ABOUT DISTRICT The district has 17 police stations and covers an area of about 340447 Hectares, Geographically, the district can be divided into two parts viz. (i) Hilly area and (ii) Plain area. The hilly area comprises of Kaimur plateau.
What is Kaimur famous for?
Kaimur has made an enormous contribution in the Indian Freedom movement. The major attractions of Kaimur tourism are Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary, Baidyanath, Maa Mundeshwari Temple, Chorghatia, Karmanasa river, Sidhanath temple and many more promising sites.
Is Kaimur a district?
What is block in a district?
Blocks are usually planning & development units of a district in addition to tehsils. A block represents a compact area for which effective plans are prepared and implemented through Gram Panchayats. For example, Muzaffarnagar District of Uttar Pradesh has 9 blocks namely: Sr.
What is Block name?
Block Name. Name) The name of the block (an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings) in which this address is located.