How do you use power in Scala?

The pow() function is used for the exponential mathematical operation, This method can be accessed from scala. math library directly. The function accepts two variables First number and second the power of the number up to which date exponent is to be found.

How do you calculate power in Scala?

The Scala Math pow() method returns the base raise to the power of exponent. In special cases it returns the following: If the exponent is zero, then the result is 1.0. If the exponent is NaN, then the result is NaN.

How do you use a power operator?

pow() is function to get the power of a number, but we have to use #include h> in c/c++ to use that pow() function. then two numbers are passed. Example – pow(4 , 2); Then we will get the result as 4^2, which is 16.

How do you do square root in Scala?

The Scala Math sqrt() method returns the square root of the given number….Scala – Math sqrt() Method

  1. If the argument is NaN or less than zero, then the result is NaN.
  2. If the argument is positive infinity, then the result is positive infinity.
  3. If the argument is positive zero, then the result is the same as the argument.

What is Scala operator?

An operator is a symbol that represents an operation to be performed with one or more operand. Operators are the foundation of any programming language. Operators allow us to perform different kinds of operations on operands. There are different types of operators used in Scala as follows: Arithmetic Operators.

How do you round in Scala?

Scala Int round() method with example The round() method is utilized to return the rounded value of the specified int value. This method is used to avoid accidental loss of precision from a detour through Float. Return Type: It returns the rounded value of the specified int value.

What is a power operator?

The exponentiation operator ( ** ) returns the result of raising the first operand to the power of the second operand. It is equivalent to Math. pow , except it also accepts BigInts as operands.

What does === mean in scala?

triple equals operator
The triple equals operator === is normally the Scala type-safe equals operator, analogous to the one in Javascript. Spark overrides this with a method in Column to create a new Column object that compares the Column to the left with the object on the right, returning a boolean.

What is function scala?

In scala, functions are first class values. You can store function value, pass function as an argument and return function as a value from other function. You can create function by using def keyword. You must mention return type of parameters while defining function and return type of a function is optional.

How do you round a spark?

PySpark ROUND can be used to round up, down the values of the Data frame. PySpark ROUND function results can be used to create new columns in the Data frame. PySpark ROUND function uses the function ceil and floor for rounding up the value.

What is double in Scala?

In Scala, Double is a 64-bit floating point number, which is equivalent to Java’s double primitive type. The >(x: Double) method is utilized to return true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise. Returns – Returns true if this value is greater than x, false otherwise.