How do I contact sawbones?

Get in touch with the show

  1. [email protected].
  2. @Sawbones.

How do I contact McElroy?

General Business Inquiries: [email protected]. Merch Pitches: [email protected]. Live Show Booking: [email protected] , [email protected]. Talent Agent: [email protected].

Where can I email Mbmbam?

[email protected]
Simply send an email to [email protected] and we’ll take care of that for you. Follow @MBMBaM on Twitter.

Where do the Mcelroys live?

Huntington, West Virginia
McElroy was born in 1980 to Clint McElroy, former co-host of WTCR-FM’s morning radio show in Huntington, West Virginia, and his wife Leslie. McElroy attended Marshall University, and lives in Huntington as of 2011. He has been married to Dr. Sydnee Smirl McElroy since 2006.

How do I email a sawbones podcast?

Sawbones. Send topic suggestions to [email protected].

How many episodes of sawbones are there?

300 episodes
Sawbones has aired over 300 episodes with content on “medical history to uncover all the odd, weird, wrong, dumb and just gross ways we’ve tried to fix people over the years.”

How do I submit to Judge John Hodgman?

If you’d like John Hodgman to solve your pressing issue, simply email it, along with your phone number, to [email protected]. THAT IS ALL.

Why is Justin McElroy called Juice?

Justin, aka “Hoops” or “Juice,” is the eldest McElroy brother. The nickname of “Juice” was given to him because he drooled all the time while teething. Justin is one of the three titular brothers of My Brother, My Brother and Me, along with his younger brothers Travis and Griffin. Their father is Clint.

How old is Justin McElroy?

41 years (November 8, 1980)Justin McElroy / Age

What is sawbones slang for?

sawbones \SAW-bohnz\ noun. slang : physician, surgeon.

Who does the intro to sawbones?

Intro (Clint McElroy): Sawbones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion.

Who is Judge John Hodgman?

Judge John Hodgman is a weekly, comedic court show podcast hosted by John Hodgman and Jesse Thorn. The show is distributed online by Maximum Fun. 30–60 min. The program features host John Hodgman acting as a judge (with Jesse Thorn as bailiff) adjudicating real-life disputes within a fictional courtroom setting.