What is the number 6 in Arabic?

2. Cardinal Numbers Zero to Ten

Number Eastern Arabic Numeral Pronunciation
Six ٦ سِتّة (sittah)
Seven ٧ سَبعة (sabʿah)
Eight ٨ ثَمانية (ṯamāniyah)
Nine ٩ تِسعة (tisʿah)

What is 6 in Hindu Arabic numerals?

Is it still important to learn Roman numerals?

Arabic Roman
5 V
6 VI

How do you count to 10 in Arabic?

Lesson 3: Numbers (1-10)

  1. واحد wahed. one.
  2. اثنين ethnein. two.
  3. ثلاثة thalatha. three.
  4. أربعة arba-a. four.
  5. خمسة khamsa. five.
  6. ستة sitta. six.
  7. سبعة sab-a. seven.
  8. ثمانية thamanya. eight.

How do you say right 6 in Arabic?

How to count in Modern Standard Arabic (اللغة العربية الفصحى), the universal language of the Arabic-speaking world….Arabic numbers.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
6 (٦) (sitta) ستة (alsadsu) السّادِسُ
7 (٧) (sab’a) سبعة (alsab’eu) السابعُ
8 (٨) (ṯamāniya) ثمانية (alṯamnu) الثّامِنُ
9 (٩) (tis’a) تسعة (altas’eu) التّاسِعُ

What are the Arabic numbers 1 20?

Arabic Numbers 1 – 20

6 ٦ sitta
17 ١٧ sabʿa ashar
18 ١٨ thamaniya ashar
19 ١٩ tisʿa ashar
20 ٢٠ ishrun

How do you say 7 in Arabic?

7 is a special “h” sound. It is pronounced far deeper in the throat the normal “h”. 9 is the emphatic “s” sound….ExamplesEdit

  1. L kalime(tu) huna’k(a)
  2. L kita’b(u) huna’k(a)
  3. L kursiy(yu) huna’k(a)
  4. L madrase(tu) huna’k(a)
  5. L mu3allim(u) huna’k(a)
  6. L~tilmi’d'(u) huna’k(a)
  7. L qalam(u) huna’k(a)
  8. L ma77a’ye(tu) huna’k(a)

How Arabic numbers are written?

The Indians right from right to left, so there numbers go from right to left. The Arabs adopted the numbers after they’d established their writing system. So now they write their letters from left to right, and their numbers from right to left.

What is an 8 in Arabic?

Arabic numbers

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
7 (٧) (sab’a) سبعة (alsab’eu) السابعُ
8 (٨) (ṯamāniya) ثمانية (alṯamnu) الثّامِنُ
9 (٩) (tis’a) تسعة (altas’eu) التّاسِعُ
10 (١٠) (‘ashra) عشرة (al’ashru) الْعاشِرُ

How do you say 8 in Arabic?

Eight is tamaniya (theh-mah-nee-yuh) (ثمانية). Nine is tis’a (tihs-anh) (تسعة).

What sound does 9 make in Arabic?

It is pronounced far deeper in the throat the normal “h”. 9 is the emphatic “s” sound. Unlike the normal Arabic “s” sound, this “s” sound is pronounced with the tongue near the place behind the upper teeth. It is not that important to master.

How do you say 5 in Arabic?

Five is hamsa (hahm-sah) (خمسة). Note that the h has a guttural pronunciation. Imagine exhaling a strong, deep breath from the back of your throat as you say it.