What are the available options of vSphere DRS?

DRS has three levels of automation: Fully Automated – DRS applies both initial placement and load balancing recommendations automatically. Partially Automated – DRS applies recommendations only for initial placement. Manual – You must apply both initial placement and load balancing recommendations.

How do I change DRS settings in VMware?


  1. Browse to a cluster in the vSphere Client.
  2. Click the Configure tab and click Services.
  3. Under vSphere DRS click Edit.
  4. Under DRS Automation, select a default automation level for DRS.
  5. Set the Migration Threshold for DRS.
  6. Select the Predictive DRS check box.

What is the difference between DRS and HA?

VMware HA and DRS are each able to provide availability for VMs. The main difference between the two technologies is that VMware designed DRS to work in clustered environments, while HA enables admins to protect their VMs without having to deal with the cost or complexity of a failover cluster.

How often does storage DRS run?

every 8 hours
The invocation period of Storage DRS is every 8 hours and uses what’s called past-day statistics. Storage DRS triggers a load balancing evaluation process if a datastore exceeds the space utilization threshold.

Is DRS required for vMotion?

You can have vMotion without DRS, but you cannot have DRS without vMotion. Both of these features ensure your VMware vSphere environment is performing optimally, and allow you to move workloads around without impacting your applications and users how you see fit.

Will Drs work if vCenter is down?

As DRS relies on vMotion/Storage vMotion and vCenter calculates a correct balance – DRS does not work when vCenter is down.

How do I enable DRS in vSphere?


  1. Browse to the cluster in the vSphere Client.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. Under Services, select vSphere DRS and click Edit.
  4. Select the Turn ON vSphere DRS and Turn on vSphere HA check boxes.
  5. Click OK.

What is migration threshold in DRS?

The DRS migration threshold allows you to specify which recommendations are generated and then applied (when the virtual machines involved in the recommendation are in fully automated mode) or shown (if in manual mode).

Is DRS required for HA?

VMware DRS requires vCenter Enterprise licensing, whereas VMware HA works with a standard license. Running both VMware vSphere HA and DRS are highly recommended in a production vSphere Cluster.

What are two features of storage DRS?

Storage DRS now understands storage array advanced features such as deduplication, auto-tiering, snapshotting, replication, thin-provisioning. Storage DRS works with solutions like vCD, vRA, Horizon view etc.

How do I configure storage DRS?


  1. Browse to the datastore cluster in the vSphere Client.
  2. Click the Configure tab and click Services.
  3. Select Storage DRS and click Edit.
  4. Select Turn ON vSphere DRS and click OK.
  5. (Optional) To disable only I/O-related functions of Storage DRS, leaving space-related controls enabled, perform the following steps.

What is difference between DRS and vMotion?

vMotion is what allows things to be moved around non-disruptively in a vSphere environment, and DRS is what decides how to move things around to give the best performance. When DRS needs to move something, it simply uses vMotion! While these are completely separate technologies, they compliment each other nicely.