Who is Shego in love with?
Who is Shego in love with?
Drakken and Mr. Barkin were the only people Shego had a fake love interest in, to where she was basically not herself. She was in love with Drakken when she was under the control of Dr. Cyrus Bortel’s Moodulator, and later with Barkin while being under the effects of Electronique’s Reverse Polarizer.
What is Shego’s power?
Shego is endowed with a unique superpower: the ability to generate green, flame-like bolts of glowing energy from her hands. This energy can be used to heat or melt anything she touches, or fired as a directed energy attack ranging from laser precision to a destructive blast.
Why does Draken have blue skin?
History of a evil scientist Possible) met him. The reason Drew turned evil is because his robot “bebe’s” became a laughing stock. This made him turn blue in the inside, and because of his sadness it eventually made his skin turn blue too. He changed his name to Drakken and got a sidekick named Shego.
How old is Shego?
Physical Description. Age: Unknown, likely middling 30s or 40s. (Shego’s exact age is unclear, through her appearance and mannerisms suggest that she is several years older than Kim. It is also mentioned that she has a child development degree.)
Who is the villain in Kim Possible?
Dr. Drakken is the classic. He’s so thwart-able, he flips back into lovable.
Did Ron end up with Kim Possible?
Kim Possible The eponymous star of the show and Ron’s best friend; at the end of Season 3, they became boyfriend and girlfriend.
Does Kim Possible wear a bra?
Civilian. Kim’s primary civilian clothes, through her first few years of high school, are a green tank top that fully bared her midriff, blue 3/4-length Capri jeans, and a pair of what appear to be plain white canvas tennis or running shoes. She has been shown at certain times to not wear a bra.
Does Bonnie like Ron?
Ron and Bonnie. Bonnie was rather cold to Ron. Most of the series, she referred to him as a “loser”, even to his face. While Ron was a millionaire she kissed up to him and was part of his posse to reap the benefits of his freely-flowing newfound wealth.
Who is the most powerful character in Kim Possible?
Despite his apparent shortcomings, Ron might easily be one of the most powerful individuals known, perhaps only superseded by The Yono. Once, he was able to stand his own against both Kim and Shego at the same time with his hands tied behind his back.