What are the names of the native tribes of South America?


  • Andean Hunting-Collecting Tradition, Argentina, 11,000–4,000 CE.
  • Awa-Kwaiker, northern Ecuador, southern Colombia.
  • Aymara, Bolivia, Chile, Peru.
  • Cañari, Ecuador.
  • Capulí culture, Ecuador, 800—1500 CE.
  • Cerro Narrio (Chaullabamba) (Precolumbian culture)
  • Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru.
  • Chachilla (Cayapas)

How many native tribes are there in South America?

There are 826 different indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, with an estimated population of 58 million people (ECLAC, 2014) (Table 1). These peoples share common concerns that form the basis of their global and regional agendas.

What native tribes cultures exist in South America?

Latin Americans of mixed European and Indigenous descent are usually referred to as mestizos (Spanish) and mestiços (Portuguese). While those of mixed African and Indigenous ancestry are referred to as zambos….Indigenous peoples of South America.

Total population
Uruguay 76,452 (2011)
Suriname 20,344 (2012)
French Guiana ~19,000

What is the oldest tribe in South America?

The Norte Chico civilization in Peru is the oldest civilization in the Americas and one of the first six independent civilizations in the world; it was contemporaneous with the Egyptian pyramids.

What are 3 of the main indigenous groups in Latin America?

List of indigenous peoples of Latin American countries

  • Argentina. Atacama. Lule Vilela. Tapiete. Ava Guaraní Mapuche. Tehuelche.
  • Bolivia (Plurinational State) Araona. Guarayo. Quechua. Aymara. Itonama. Sirionó
  • Chile. Aymara. Colla. Diaguita. Kawésqar. Likan Antai (Atacameño) Mapuche.
  • Costa Rica. Bribrí Brunca (Boruca) Cabécar. Chorotega.

What are the main ethnic groups in South America?

Racial. In terms of race, the demographics of South America shows a mixture of Africans, Amerindians, Europeans, Anusim or Marranos, and to a lesser extent Arabs, Romanis, and East Asians. A mixture of Amerindian and European ancestry is often referred to as mestizo or caboclo/mameluco.

What is the most famous Indian Tribe of South America?

Mapuche, the most numerous group of Indians in South America. They numbered more than 1,400,000 at the turn of the 21st century. Most inhabit the Central Valley of Chile, south of the Biobío River.

What indigenous tribes lived in Colombia?

Colombia’s Indigenous culture evolved from three main groups—the Quimbaya, who inhabited the western slopes of the Cordillera Central; the Chibchas; and the Kalina (Caribs).

What are the three major native groups of Latin America?

Major pre-Columbian civilisations include the Olmecs and Aztecs of Mexico, the Inca and Tiahuanaco civilisations of the Andes and the Mayans of Central America.

What are five different general ethnic regions in South America?

Ethnic groups

  • Amerindians.
  • Asians.
  • Blacks.
  • Mestizos.
  • Mulattoes.
  • Whites.
  • Zambos: Intermixing between Africans and Amerindians was especially prevalent in Brazil and Middle America, often due to slaves running away (becoming cimarrones: maroons) and being taken in by Amerindian villagers.

Who lived in South America before the Incas?

Long Before the Europeans

Maya 200-900 C.E.
Inca 1200-1532
Aztec (Mexicas) 1345-1521