How can you tell the difference between futur proche and futur simple?

We would use the futur simple when referring to something that is going to happen ‘actually’ in the future: tomorrow, or next week for example. The futur proche is just the opposite. (I.E. I am GOING TO do something).

How do I know if I have futur proche?

In French there are two tenses for the future tense, just like in English (you can say « i’m going to go » and « i will go » they both express a notion of future. « Futur proche » is like « i am going to go ».

What is futur proche examples?

In English, the futur proche is going to [verb]… Ex: I am going to do the dishes. As you can see in English, the first part of the futur proche is the conjugation of “to go” (I am going) and the second part is the infinitive of the action verb (to do). Ex: Je vais parler aux enfants. >

How is futur proche used?

The futur proche is usually translated into English as going + infinitive (e.g., going to eat, going to drink, going to talk). The futur proche is characteristic of spoken French but may be used in informal writing. It is formed with the verb aller (to go) conjugated in the present tense followed by an infinitive.

How do you identify futur simple?

The futur simple (simple future) describes what will happen for predictions and future projects. The simple future of regular -re verbs is formed by removing the final -e from the infinitive and adding the endings above. For example: vendre – je vendrai – I will sell / I’ll sell.

How do you identify futur proche in French?

To form the futur proche, use the present tense of aller (to go) plus an infinitive . To make it negative and say something is not going to happen, put ne … pas or n’… pas around the conjugated verb aller. To say something is never going to happen, use ne/n’ … jamais.

Do you conjugate the verb in futur proche?

To conjugate the futur proche, we use the present tense of the verb aller as an auxiliary verb, followed by the infinitive of the main verb.

What is futur simple used for?

What is the futur simple? Le futur simple corresponds to the will-future tense in English. We mostly use this tense to talk about future plans or intentions, as well as to make predictions about what may occur in the future.

What are the 2 parts you need to for the futur proche?

Futur proche, or the French near future, is the literal equivalent of saying, in English, “I am going to __.” The statement has two parts: the “going”, which is the appropriate present tense conjugation of aller, and the infinitive of the main verb.

How do you use futur simple?

The endings for the simple future are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. The future stem for -er and -ir verbs is the infinitive. For regular -re verbs, the stem is the infinitive minus the final e. In all cases, the future stem ends in -r: this sound characterizes the future and the conditional.

Are there irregular verbs in futur proche?

There are also a lot of irregular verbs, with the main ones as follows : J’aurai (AVOIR = to have) Je serai (ETRE = to be) Je saurai (SAVOIR = to know)