What is the name of property global variable in Windows Installer?

Properties are global variables used by Windows Installer during an installation….Windows Installer Properties.

Property Name Description
APPDIR Path of the Application Folder in the Files and Folders page (it is usually the main installation folder).

What is MSI property?

This property stores the folder where the running . msi file is located. TARGETDIR. The TARGETDIR property is the location where the Windows Installer package is copied (and its data files uncompressed) during an Administrative installation.

What process is Windows Installer?

Windows Installer (msiexec.exe, previously known as Microsoft Installer, codename Darwin) is a software component and application programming interface (API) of Microsoft Windows used for the installation, maintenance, and removal of software.

What is L * VX?

/l* says include all the switches except for v and x so it’s equivalent to /loicewarmup . /l*vx includes all the switches and adds v and x to get everything.

How do I set up an Advanced Installer?

After launching Advanced Installer, you will be presented with a dialog where you can choose the type of project you want to create.

  1. Select the “Simple” type.
  2. Uncheck the “Use wizard…” option.
  3. Press the [ Create Project ] button.
  4. The new project has been created and from now on you can edit it.

What are the steps in installing an operating system?

Operating System Installation Tasks

  1. Set up the display environment.
  2. Erase the primary boot disk.
  3. Set up the BIOS.
  4. Install the operating system.
  5. Configure your server for RAID.
  6. Install the operating system, update the drivers, and run operating system updates, as necessary.

What are three types of Windows installation options?

Windows Setup Installation Types

  • Custom installations. Windows Setup can perform a custom installation, also known as a clean installation, which saves your previous Windows installation but does not migrate your settings.
  • Upgrade installations.

What is the QB command?


Parameter Description
/qn+ Specifies there’s no UI during the installation process, except for a final dialog box at the end.
/qb Specifies there’s a basic UI during the installation process.
/qb+ Specifies there’s a basic UI during the installation process, including a final dialog box at the end.

Where are Windows installation logs?

View the Windows Setup event logs

  • Start the Event Viewer, expand the Windows Logs node, and then click System.
  • In the Actions pane, click Open Saved Log and then locate the Setup. etl file. By default, this file is available in the %WINDIR%\Panther directory.
  • The log file contents appear in the Event Viewer.

What is secure custom property?

The SecureCustomProperties is a list of public properties delimited by semi-colons. These properties are included with the default list of restricted public properties that the installer can pass to the server side when doing a managed installation with elevated privileges.

How do I set up installer?

In this article

  1. How to create an App Installer file.
  2. Step 1: Create the *.appinstaller file.
  3. Step 2: Add the basic template.
  4. Step 3: Add the main package information.
  5. Step 4: Add the optional packages.
  6. Step 5: Add dependencies.
  7. Step 6: Add Update setting.
  8. Step 7: Add Auto Update Settings.