What experiment is 104?

Experiment 104, nicknamed Lapse by Nakine Mahelona, was the one-hundred-and-fourth illegal genetic experiment created by Dr. Darlig Kanium, whose one true place was with the military.

How many experiments did Jumba?

626 experiments
All of Jumba’s original 626 experiments have their names and numbers listed alongside the credits in Leroy & Stitch.

What experiment number was Stitch?

Experiment 626
Stitch (also known by his species/”birth” name Experiment 626; number pronounced as “six-two-six”) is a fictional character in Disney’s Lilo & Stitch franchise.

What Lilo and Stitch experiment is 666?

666,better known by his nickname “Doomsday” is the 666th experiment. His one true place is being a guard in the galactic federation prison.

Is Leroy stronger than Stitch?

After Leroy proved to be more powerful than Stitch (although he technically didn’t win fairly), the former was cloned by Hämsterviel into a huge army.

What experiment is Angel?

Experiment 624
Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. She is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. She is Stitch’s love interest, mate (or “boojiboo” as they call each other), and female counterpart. .

What is pink stitches name?

Angel is a small, pink female koala-like experiment with a strong feminine resemblance to Stitch, with two long, tendril-like antennae.

What experiment is 627?

illegal genetic experiment
Experiment 627 is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, and the first experiment to be created on Earth with limited alien technology. He serves as a minor antagonist in Lilo & Stitch: The Series, and is designed to be a better prototype of Stitch.

Is there a red Stitch?

Jumba started creating an experiment with explosive saliva from a template similar to Stitch until he was ordered by Hämsterviel, who paid Jumba a visit, to instead make the latter “a new version of 626.” Forced to comply after being threatened by Gantu, Jumba created a red, destructive replica of Stitch.