How do I find the host and network portion?

To get the network portion of an IP address, you must perform a binary AND of the ip address and its netmask. The host portion is a binary AND of the inverted netmask (bits flipped between 0 and 1).

What is the network portion of the address?

The network part specifies the unique number that is assigned to your network. The network part also identifies the class of network that is assigned. In Figure 5–3, the network part occupies two bytes of the IPv4 address.

What are the two portions of an IP address?

The parts of your IP address An IP address has two parts: the network ID, comprising the first three numbers of the address, and a host ID, the fourth number in the address.

How do I separate IP address and host in network?

The subnet mask splits the IP address into the host and network addresses, thereby defining which part of the IP address belongs to the device and which part belongs to the network. The device called a gateway or default gateway connects local devices to other networks.

What are the parts of IP address and define each part?

For this purpose, an IP address is recognized as consisting of two parts: the network prefix in the high-order bits and the remaining bits called the rest field, host identifier, or interface identifier (IPv6), used for host numbering within a network.

How many hosts per network in each class of IP address can exist?

Table 2-1 IP Addresses Available to Internet Hosts

Address Class First Octet Range Number of Hosts Per Network
Class A 0 to 126 16,777,214
Class B 128 to 191 65,534
Class C 192 to 223 254

How do you split an IP address into a subnet?

255.248 or /29.

  1. Step 1: Convert to Binary.
  2. Step 2: Calculate the Subnet Address. To calculate the IP Address Subnet you need to perform a bit-wise AND operation (1+1=1, 1+0 or 0+1 =0, 0+0=0) on the host IP address and subnet mask.
  3. Step 3: Find Host Range.
  4. Step 4: Calculate the Total Number of Subnets and.