How can I ease the pain of a hernia?
How can I ease the pain of a hernia?
If you have a hernia in the abdomen or groin, applying an ice pack to the affected area can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Can hernia pain just go away?
The hernia won’t heal on its own. If your hernia does not bother you, most likely you can wait to have surgery. Your hernia may get worse, but it may not. Over time, hernias tend to get bigger as the muscle wall of the belly gets weaker and more tissue bulges through.
Can you live with hernia pain?
But you don’t have to live with it, and you can enjoy life again. The symptoms that lead most people to the doctor, and eventually a hernia diagnosis, typically include pain in the abdomen, particularly in the groin area. The pain tends to get worse if you sneeze, cough, lift something heavy or strain.
Should you massage a hernia?
The hernia creates a soft lump under the skin. Most inguinal hernias can be pushed back into the belly with gentle massage and pressure. An inguinal hernia will not heal on its own.
What happens if you ignore a hernia?
Typical hernia sites are in the groin, navel or near a previous abdominal scar. Ignoring a hernia or not seeking treatment can result in more serious complications including intestinal blockage, hernia incarceration, or hernia strangulation.
How do I know if my hernia is getting worse?
1. Sudden or worsening pain. Some hernias cause pain or sensations like aching, heaviness, or weakness. If you notice sudden pain or pain that’s gotten significantly worse, it could be a sign of a severe hernia complication called strangulation.
What painkillers can you take for a hernia?
Over-the-counter pain medications can relieve discomfort associated with an inguinal hernia. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen, or naproxen can be taken, depending on individual preference.
What is hernia pain feel like?
Typically, patients with ventral hernias describe mild pain, aching or a pressure sensation at the site of the hernia. The discomfort worsens with any activity that puts a strain on the abdomen, such as heavy lifting, running or bearing down during bowel movements. Some patients have a bulge but do not have discomfort.
How do you know if your hernia is getting worse?
Is heat good for hernia?
This helps you breathe easier and may help lessen post-surgery hernia pain. Cold and Heat: Both cold and heat can help lessen some types of post-op pain. Some types of pain improve best using cold while other types of pain improve most with heat.