How much does a Dermascope cost?

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This item 3Gen DermLite DL100 Dermatology Dermascope 3Gen DermLite DL200 HR Polarized Dermascope
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Customer Rating 4.7 out of 5 stars (128) 5.0 out of 5 stars (4)
Price $39500 $925.00$925.00
Sold By Balkowitsch Enterprises Balkowitsch Enterprises

What is Dermalite?

DermLite and Early Skin Cancer Detection The DermLite line of devices enable the trained eye to detect skin cancer and other types of skin conditions early. Every DermLite includes a magnification lens, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, and most have polarizing filters for glare reduction.

Can a dermoscopy detect melanoma?

Dermoscopy has been shown to be a useful and fairly inexpensive tool for melanoma detection in family practice. Among family physicians, dermoscopy has higher sensitivity for melanoma detection than naked-eye examination with generally no decrease in specificity.

How do you clean DermLite dl4?

The DermLite body may be cleaned or disinfected by wiping it with Isopropyl alcohol (70% vol.). Do not use alcohol or disinfectants in the optical areas of the unit. Do not use abrasive material on any part of the equipment or immerse the device in liquid. Do not autoclave.

What does a Dermascope look like?

A dermatoscope is a hand-held device. It features a light source and a magnifier and works a little like a magnifying glass.

What is a dermatoscope used for?

A dermatoscope is a handheld instrument, a bit like a magnifying glass. It can make things bigger (magnify) by up to 10 times. Your specialist puts some oil or gel onto your skin. They then hold the dermatoscope on to your skin so they can examine the area very closely.

What is Dermalite treatment?

Dermalite treatment focuses on removing stubborn dark spots from the skin. It works to regulate the melanin production in your body thereby, giving you a visibly lighter skin tone. It’s a skin whitening treatment that effectively fades dark spots and gives you a glowing skin.

How do you remove a dermatofibroma?

Surgical removal is by far the most reliable method to remove dermatofibromas. Removal begins with injecting a local anesthetic into the area. Injection of the freezing is slightly uncomfortable, but there is no pain during the procedure once the freezing has taken.