What is single type import?

A single-type import declaration imports only one type from a package. The following import declarations import Class11 from pkg1 package, Class21 and Class22 from pkg2 package, and Class33 from pkg3 package: import pkg1.

Can we create 2 classes with same name?

In fact, you can’t create two public classes in a single file, Only one class should be public and it should be the name of the class. If you try to create two public classes in same file the compiler generates a compile time error.

What is the difference between import and static import?

Difference between import and static import: With the help of import, we are able to access classes and interfaces which are present in any package. But using static import, we can access all the static members (variables and methods) of a class directly without explicitly calling class name.

What is package declaration in Java?

A package is a single folder (directory) containing a group of related classes and interfaces. A package declaration, if used, must be the first thing in the file, and describes the folder in which it occurs. For example, the declaration. package org. xml.

How is inheritance defined in Java?

Inheritance is a mechanism wherein a new class is derived from an existing class. In Java, classes may inherit or acquire the properties and methods of other classes. A class derived from another class is called a subclass, whereas the class from which a subclass is derived is called a superclass.

Can package name be same as class name?

Yes, it will work.

What is meant by static import?

Static import is a feature introduced in the Java programming language that allows members (fields and methods) which have been scoped within their container class as public static , to be used in Java code without specifying the class in which the field has been defined.

How do I import user-defined packages?

To import java package into a class, we need to use java import keyword which is used to access package and its classes into the java program. Use import to access built-in and user-defined packages into your java source file so that your class can refer to a class that is in another package by directly using its name.

What is import statement in Java?

The import statement can be used to import an entire package or sometimes import certain classes and interfaces inside the package. The import statement is written before the class definition and after the package statement(if there is any). Also, the import statement is optional.

What is a single inheritance?

The inheritance in which a single derived class is inherited from a single base class is known as the Single Inheritance. It is the simplest among all the types of inheritance since it does not include any kind of inheritance combination or different levels of inheritance.

What is single inheritance in Java?

Single inheritance enables a derived class to inherit properties and behavior from a single parent class. It allows a derived class to inherit the properties and behavior of a base class, thus enabling code reusability as well as adding new features to the existing code.

What is user-defined package in Java?

User-defined packages are those packages that are designed or created by the developer to categorize classes and packages. They are much similar to the built-in that java offers. It can be imported into other classes and used the same as we use built-in packages.