How do I create a DNS server in Packet Tracer?

DNS server configuration in Packet Tracer

  1. Build the network topology.
  2. Configure static IP addresses on the PCs and the server. Server.
  3. Configure DNS service on the generic server. To do this, click on the server, then Click on Services tab.
  4. Test domain name – IP resolution.

How do I connect a router to a Packet Tracer server?

Step1: Open the Cisco Packet Tracer. Step2: Drag and drop any series of the router from the bottom of the interface into the middle of the working area. Step 3: Select cable from the bottom of the interface to connect the routers.

What is Web server configuration?

The web server configuration file is installed as part of the web server. The Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool must re-configure the configuration file for a supported web server. Configuration consists of adding directives that identify file locations of two files: Binary web server plug-in file.

How do I setup my router as a Web server?

The specific details depend on what kind of router you have, but the concepts still apply:

  1. Install IIS on the machine you want to be a web server.
  2. Go to and create yourself a name which maps to your home IP address.
  3. Logon to your router (typically a website located at 192.168.
  4. Logon to your router.

How do I add a DNS server to my Cisco router?

Configure Cisco Router as DNS Server

  1. Step 1 – Enable DNS service and domain lookup on the router – R1# configure terminal.
  2. Step 2 – Configure the router with a public name-server.
  3. Step 3 – Configure the DNS server with the hostnames of your local network.

How do I assign an IP address to a Cisco Packet Tracer?

With the command “Interface fastethernet 0/0” we enter the interface Fa 0/0 of our router, giving us access to be able to configure it. The “Ip address” command allows us to configure an IP address to the interface and a Subnet Mask Followed by “” which is the IP address and the Subnet Mask.

What is the server configuration?

A server configuration defines a specific database as the repository for its data. To prevent corruption, that database can be associated with only one server configuration. However, that database can be used by other applications.

What configure DNS?

DNS settings refer to certain records within the Domain Name System that allow users to access their websites and emails through their unique domain names.