What is a standard size Downstem?
What is a standard size Downstem?
Joints come in three major sizes: 10mm (about the size of your pinky), 14.5mm (about the size of your index finger), and 18.8mm (about the size of your thumb). 14.5mm and 18.8mm are the most common sizes for downstems.
How do I know what size Downstem to buy?
Mark the point where the object exits the joint. Get a ruler or tape measure and determine the length from the mark to the inserted end of the object. The number you find is the approximate ground joint to bottom measurement, which is also the length of the downstem you need.
How long should my Downstem be?
If it can slide inside the hole, then it is an 18mm or 19mm joint. Also if you can’t slide a pencil into the hole, then it is a 10mm joint. Once you have the downstem size you need the length. Slide a pencil into the female ground joint of your pipe and make a mark on the pencil the depth of the downstem.
What does 18mm 14mm Downstem mean?
Answer: That means that the joint of your water pipe needs to be an 18mm in order to take in the downstem, which will then turn the opening of the downstem into a 14mm, allowing you to use a 14mm bowl or banger. I hope this helped!
What makes a good Downstem?
Percolators and Diffusers A great tip when buying a new downstem is to look for one that has an additional percolator or diffuser at the end. The added percolation helps filter and cool the smoke, helping create the perfect, silky-smooth hit.
Are all Downstems the same size?
Downstem sizes come the same way joint sizes do, in the standard sizes of 14mm, 18mm, and the less common 10mm for mini rigs. If you need to figure out your joint size, check out our easy guide here. All you’ll need is a penny and you can find your joint size in seconds.
Are stemless bongs better?
In fact, many stemless pieces have two percolators in the base itself, let alone anything that uses a middle perc which sits on top of the base and can add even more. Stemless bongs have better air flow than stemmed versions and overall are easier to clean.
What is a diffused Downstem?
A downstem diffuser is a modified type of downstem attachment with open slits on one end. The slits work to break up the smoke differently than with a regular downstem, producing smaller bubbles and resulting in a cooling effect for a smoother hit.
What size bong do I have?
Using a dime is the easiest way to measure your bong joint and determine what size your bong joint is. The image above also helps you determine the bowl size using a dime. A 14mm male bowl piece is about 3/4 of the size of a dime whereas an 18mm male bowl piece is almost the entire size of a dime.
Are all bong bowls the same size?
This is probably the simplest way to measure the bong joint size. For most bongs and dab rigs you only have to worry about two sizes: 14mm and 18mm.
What does fixed Downstem mean?
A downstem is the piece of a water pipe that connects the bowl to the main chamber, and in this case it is fixed to the pipe, but others can be removable. The downstem helps provide suction, pulling smoke or vapor into the water before getting inhaled.