What flies do you use for redfish?

You can fool a red with a lot of patterns, but these are some of the best flies for redfish.

  • Clouser Minnow. Tried and true.
  • Crab Fly. If you want to get a redfish seeing red (pun intended), toss a small crab in front of his nose.
  • Shrimp Fly. Shrimp are a huge part of the redfish diet.
  • Poppers (topwater)

Can you fly fish for redfish?

Most guides say the best fly rod for redfish is a 9-foot, 8- or 9-weight rod paired to most any brand of saltwater reel and spooled with a warm-water, weight-forward floating line. Leaders can measure 9 to 12 feet, with a 40-pound butt section tapering to a 15- or 20-pound tippet.

How do you rig a shrimp fly?

To set up for shrimp fly fishing, simply tie your main line to the upper swivel and attach an appropriately heavy weight to the bottom snap. You can drop such a rig over the side and start catching fish on it, but for the best results, you’ll want to tip the hooks of the rig.

What weight fly rod do I need for redfish?

An 8 weight is arguably the most common fly rod used while targeting redfish, as well as a host of other species. An 8 weight is also probably the best to have rigged and ready in a boat or car should an opportunity arise to cast a fly to a hungry fish, especially here in the Cape Fear region.

What size flies for redfish?

Winter Redfish are often larger, especially Bull Redfish, and typically are fished with flies in the 1/0 – 2/0 size range. While these large flies are still useful to have during the summer, smaller Redfish are more common at this time and are best fished with crabs and shrimp in the #4 – #1/0 size range.

How much backing do I need for a redfish fly reel?

Since many inshore saltwater gamefish will make initial runs of seventy-five to one hundred yards before they turn and settle into fighting mode, your fly reel should hold a minimum of 175 yards of twenty-pound Dacron backing.

What size hooks for redfish?

The best all around hook size for catching keeper size redfish is a 1/0 circle or j hook. A 1/0 hook size is stout enough to bring in a slot sized redfish without straightening out but is small enough to catch the smaller redfish too. Redfish are one of those fish that can get HUGE.

How do you tie a fly for redfish?


  1. Start by tying in some Double Pupil Lead Eyes approximately 1/8” from the eye of the hook.
  2. Wrap your thread to the bend of the hook and secure a piece of Estaz Petite.
  3. Tie in a small piece of Pseudo Hair just in front of the Hot Spot.
  4. Tie in two Marsh Legs.
  5. Marsh Legs.

What is a 9wt fly rod good for?

A 9wt allows the angler to present smaller flies in shallow water, but it also allows the angler to fish heavy lines and larger flies. As is typical when taking the middle ground, a 9wt doesn’t cater to either technique superbly, but it allows anglers to do both well. A 9wt is also lighter than a 10wt.