What enzyme is responsible for gout?
What enzyme is responsible for gout?
Treatment for gout targets the enzyme xanthine oxidase by inhibiting its production of uric acid, and thus raising the concentrations of more soluble uric acid precursors, which can be excreted (see figure 1).
Which nucleotide metabolism is related to gout?
Definition. Gout is an inherited disorder of purine metabolism that causes hyperuricemia in humans, particularly men. The term “gout” in general use refers to a form of arthritis.
What purine metabolism is the likely cause of gout?
The end product of purine metabolism is uric acid. Frequently, the level of uric acid in plasma is high and this condition can lead to gout (normal uric acid concentration, 3.6–8.3 mg/dL; levels as high as 9.6 mg/dL can occur without the generation of gout).
Is guanine and cytosine a purine?
The purines in DNA are adenine and guanine, the same as in RNA. The pyrimidines in DNA are cytosine and thymine; in RNA, they are cytosine and uracil. Purines are larger than pyrimidines because they have a two-ring structure while pyrimidines only have a single ring.
What is the biochemical cause of gout?
Gout is caused by disordered metabolism of purines. In people with gout, an excess of purines causes uric acid to crystallize in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. You get purines mostly from food, and they are essential for the body to work properly. Excess purines are normally eliminated in the urine.
What is the biochemistry of gout?
The biochemical basis of common gout is being defined. In most gouty subjects, there is reduced renal fractional clearance of urate, which is most prominent in individuals with normal or reduced daily urinary uric acid excretion. Reduced renal clearance is a major basis of hyperuricemia.
What is the pathophysiology of gout?
Gout is a disease that occurs in response to the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in joints, bones, and soft tissues. It may result in one or a combination of acute arthritis (a gout flare), chronic arthritis (chronic gouty arthritis), and tophi (tophaceous gout) [1,2].
What are common metabolites of purines?
Uric Acid and Urate Calculi Uric acid is a metabolite of purine metabolism. These calculi contain ammonium urate with some uric acid and phosphate, or they contain sodium urate.
What causes gout?
Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia, where there is too much uric acid in the body. The body makes uric acid when it breaks down purines, which are found in your body and the foods you eat.
What are adenine thymine guanine and cytosine?
ACGT is an acronym for the four types of bases found in a DNA molecule: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). A DNA molecule consists of two strands wound around each other, with each strand held together by bonds between the bases. Adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine pairs with guanine.
Which substance is increased in gout?
People with gout have high levels of a substance called urate in the blood (hyperuricemia). Gout develops when hyperuricemia leads to the formation of urate crystals in joints, triggering an inflammatory response from the immune system.