What is the plot of The Langoliers?

Ten passengers on a red-eye flight from L.A. to Boston discover that they are not the only people on the plane, but after making an emergency landing in Bangor, Maine, they discover that they are the only people on the planet. This film was based off the Stephen King short story Four Past Midnight.

What happens at the end of The Langoliers?

The plane takes off just as the Langoliers consume the airport. As they fly through the void, Dinah dies while recalling to Laurel what she saw through her connection with Craig: “everything was beautiful, even the things that were dead.”

Is The Langoliers a good book?

Dinah Bellman, the young blind girl whose aunt did not survive the time rip, has the greatest insight of all. A spine-tingling, propulsive novella, The Langoliers is a brilliant read from the masterful Stephen King.

Who died in Langoliers?

Soon, Dinah dies of her injuries after telling Laurel that she had no regrets; she was able to use Toomey’s eyes to see one last time.

What is the meaning of the Langoliers?

The Langoliers are creatures in the Stephen King novella of the same name. This novella was included with three other novellas in Four Past Midnight released in 1990. They serve as the titular overarching antagonists in the novella. They are depicted as ravenous fur balls with no legs and three mandibles.

What is Tommyknockers movie?

The Tommyknockers is a 1993 television miniseries based on the 1987 novel of the same name by Stephen King. Broadcast on ABC, it was directed by John Power, adapted by Lawrence D. Cohen and starred Marg Helgenberger and Jimmy Smits.

What Stephen King book is Langoliers in?

Four Past Midnight
The Langoliers is a novella written by Stephen King that was included in his 1990 collection Four Past Midnight.

Are they remaking the Langoliers?

The Langoliers is the upcoming remake movie adaptation of their own 2-part miniseries from 1995 based on their own novel from Stephen King’s “Four Past Midnight”. The Movie was produced by Republic Pictures & New World Pictures & Katzsmith Productions, and is distributed by Paramount Pictures.

What is Langoliers?

Langoliers are medium-sized globular creatures consisting almost entirely of a huge sharp-toothed maw.

Is there a Tommyknockers movie?

The Tommyknockers is a 1993 television miniseries based on the 1987 novel of the same name by Stephen King. Broadcast on ABC, it was directed by John Power, adapted by Lawrence D….The Tommyknockers (miniseries)

The Tommyknockers
Directed by John Power
Starring Jimmy Smits Marg Helgenberger
Music by Christopher Franke
Original language English

How do you pronounce Langoliers?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Langolier. Lan-golier. lan-goli-er. Lan-go-lier.
  2. Meanings for Langolier.
  3. Translations of Langolier. Russian : Николай

How does the Tommyknockers end?

After exploring the ship and returning to Bobbi’s home, Gard plans to kill Bobbi as he can see she is no longer human. Using a gun, Bobbi forces Gard to swallow a lethal dose of Valium. As they talk, he shields his mind, pulls his own gun out, and shoots Bobbi.