What is a NADCAP audit?
What is a NADCAP audit?
Nadcap audits are a rigorous technical assessment of compliance to customer requirements and industry standards, conducted by industry experts. The Nadcap audit and accreditation process has been designed to benefit from industry input at critical points, while minimizing customer workload where possible.
How do I prepare for a NADCAP audit?
The Nadcap Audit is an accreditation process has been designed to benefit both company and customer….Checklist:
- Download and review the audit criteria and helpful resources such as handbooks/guides.
- Create a plan for your audit.
- Select and train Internal Auditor(s).
- Identify ITAR/EAR issues.
What happens if you fail a NADCAP audit?
A company can only submit a corrective action 3 times. After the third failure, there are two potential outcomes: 1) the company fails their Nadcap audit or 2) they are granted another chance. The route taken is up to the Staff Engineer to forward along to the Task Group to reject or accept.
How do I verify my NADCAP certification?
The simplest way to access a NADCAP certified companies list is to visit eAuditNet. eAuditNet is a software that supports the Performance Review Institute’s accreditation systems and programs. It houses the online Qualified Manufacturers List, which serves as a searchable database any NADCAP certified company.
How much does NADCAP certification cost?
Your Official Nadcap Audit The estimates below are approximations per special process audit in North America and include travel costs for auditors: 2 Days: $4,420. 3 Days: $5,200. 4 Days: $5,980.
Why is NADCAP important?
Nadcap certification is required for any company hoping to work with the biggest players in the global aerospace industry. Having this accreditation will allow these aerospace giants to have confidence that a supplier can perform within the stringent requirements of the industry at face value.
How much does Nadcap certification cost?
What are the Nadcap Special Processes?
Nadcap accreditation is based on Special Processes used by aerospace suppliers such as:
- Dow Coatings on Magnesium.
- Dry Film Lubrication/Anti Gall.
- Passivation.
- Nondestructive Testing methods. Magnetic Particle & Dye Penetrant Inspection.
- Millipore®/Precision Cleaning.
- Shot Peening.
Why is nadcap important?
Does Boeing require Nadcap?
The Boeing Company has evaluated various methods to oversee our approved process sources, and has decided to require accreditation through the National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) as a pre-requisite for Boeing approval.
What are examples of special processes?
Any process that could change or alter a parts material or physical integrity by introducing stresses with mechanical, thermal, or chemical operations may be considered a Special Process.
What is the Nadcap audit like?
The Nadcap audit is probably the most in-depth audit that an auditee will experience. When the auditor arrives at the facility on the first day, there should be an opening meeting with all key personnel in attendance.
What is ac7114/10 Nadcap audit criteria for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)?
AC7114/10 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Facility Digital Radiography, Utilizing Digital Detector Array (DDA) & Computed Radiography (CR) Utilizing Photostimulable Luminescence (PSL) Survey AC7114/11 Nadcap Audit Criteria to be used on Audits of NANDTB’s AC7108/2
What are the Nadcap audit criteria for etch manufacturing?
Nadcap Audit Criteria for Etch Processes (Blue Etch Anodize, Local, Macrostructure, Nital/Temper, Pre-Penetrant) AC7108/15 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Pre-Penetrant Etch Non-Metallic Materials Manufacturing (NMMM) AC7124 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Metallic Materials Manufacturing AC7124/1
What is Nadcap accreditation in the aerospace industry?
Only the best companies in the global aerospace supply chain achieve Nadcap accreditation. Nadcap audits are a rigorous technical assessment of compliance to customer requirements and industry standards, conducted by industry experts.