What are PLYO boxes made of?

A plyometric box is a great addition to any home gym. This DIY plyo box has three different heights ( 24 inch, 20 inch, 16 inch ) and is made from one sheet of plywood.

How much weight can a steel PLYO box hold?

The box is pieced together in a way that maximizes its strength and durability. In fact, it can support a training load of up to 450 pounds at a time—which is almost double what some other plyo boxes offer.

Are PLYO boxes worth it?

Plyo jump boxes are extremely versatile and are one of the best tools to build strength while just using your bodyweight. And they’re not just for jumping on either. They can be used for a full range of upper and lower body strengthening exercises, as well as for cardio.

What equipment do you need for plyometrics?

A jump rope is perhaps the most basic plyometric training equipment, and the schoolyard activity of jumping rope served as many people’s first introduction to plyometric training. Used as plyometric training equipment, a jump rope helps to condition the muscles and build stamina.

What kind of plywood do you use for a plyometric box?

While you only need one sheet of plywood to make a plyo box, you’ve got to decide what sort of plywood you’re going to use. At the low end of the cost range, you can get by with ¾” thick BC softwood plywood. While that may not give you the best appearance or the smoothest surface, it will give you a good price.

What can I use instead of a PLYO box?

For beginners and people who do not have access to a plyometric box, the jump squat is a great exercise. It is a great jump box alternative simply because of its diversity and the fact that you can perform it anywhere. A jump squat is similar to a box jump because it focuses on the same four key muscle groups.

How heavy should a PLYO box be?

Plyo boxes made of wood are heavier than their foam counterparts. Wooden plyo boxes by Titan weigh between 15 lbs (16′ height)’ to 58 lbs (30” height). The wooden plyo boxes by Rogue also fall in the same weight range.

How much weight can a rogue PLYO box hold?

How much weight can a rogue PLYO box hold? The 56 LB Games Box is intended for safe, effective plyometric training at any skill level.

Can I use a PLYO box for hip thrusts?

BARBELL HIP THRUST Setup with bottom of shoulder blades pressing into the plyo box, barbell on hips, legs together and get tucked up towards butt. Rotate shoulder up onto the box, so you are pressing shoulders downwards to the ground for stability. Repeat.

What is plyometric movement?

Plyometrics is a type of exercise training that uses speed and force of different movements to build muscle power. Plyometrics training can improve your physical performance and ability to do different activities.

How much does it cost to build a PLYO box?

Assuming you have the tools handy, the wood and screws might run you $35 total — that’s a great deal considering wooden 3-in-1 plyo boxes can cost upward of $100 or more online (plus shipping — yikes).