What is the role of the European Commission in the legislative process?

Legislative proposal If a vote is requested, the Commission decides by simple majority. The Commission is the only EU institution empowered to initiate EU legal acts. It submits proposals for EU legal acts on its own initiative, at the request of other EU institutions or following a citizens’ initiative.

How is the Commission involved in the ordinary legislative procedure?

The Ordinary Legislative Procedure It starts with a legislative proposal from the Commission (normally for a regulation, directive or decision) and consists of up to three readings, with the possibility for the co-legislators to agree on a joint text – and thereby conclude the procedure – at any reading.

Is the European Commission legislative?

The European Commission is the EU’s politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

How long is the EU legislative process?

24 to 31 months
The process by the Council lasts on average of 24 to 31 months. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission often organise informal meetings (called trilogues) to seek the conclusion of an agreement at first reading.

Does the European Commission have legislative powers?

In very few cases the Commission has its own power to take binding decisions or to adopt EU legislation on its own initiative. As important as its policy role is monitoring compliance with the EU Treaties.

Who approves EU legislation?

The European Council, after consulting the European Parliament and the Commission, votes to adopt a decision amending Part three on the basis of the proposals by unanimity. All member states must approve the decision “in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements”, if it is to come into force.

What is the legislative process?

The legislative process in a nutshell: First, a Representative sponsors a bill. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. If released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended.

Who can initiate EU legislation?

A Member of the European Parliament, working in one of the parliamentary committees, draws up a report on a proposal for a ‘legislative text’ presented by the European Commission, the only institution empowered to initiate legislation.

What are the four types of legislation?

A proposed piece of legislation takes one of four forms: bill, joint resolution, concurrent resolution, or simple resolution.